

Bob’s Blog Library


  • Our “Music” …
    “Most of us go to our graves with our music still inside us.” Oliver Wendell Holmes I’ve always found it hard to make myself vulnerable. Opening […]
  • Space
    When I created my blog in 2016 … “The Space Between the Notes” … I was never fully clear where the original idea came from. […]
  • The Movie
    This may be an excellent way to begin knowing that you in large part create energy that drives most of your life. Find the frequency best for […]
  • STRAP IN …
    Jon Batiste, the renowned jazz musician, was featured on the CBS show “Sunday Morning” yesterday. His story was spellbinding. Surpassed only by the magic of his […]
  • The Great “Spaces” …
    CONNECTIONS the book I’m writing is an extension of my six year blog, “The Space Between the Notes” The pauses, “spaces” … the discernment that needs […]
  • Better … Different
    I heard long ago … In marketing, you’d be better or different. Hopefully both. Different from the rest. Better than the rest. That’s how you beat […]
  • Music …
    This is a revisit of a post written last December following a magical evening with “The Fab Four” … above. At the Atlanta Symphony. Look at […]
  • 85%
     “You know, I just don’t know how I can do this anymore.” Thus began a challenging conversation I had with a coachie recently. He told me […]
  • The Bridge Builder …
    I have great admiration for those dedicated to helping others. Ultimately with the intention of leaving a legacy. I’m acquainted with many successful people who’ve earned a lot of money. God bless them. They’ve […]
  • You Never Know …
    There’s the old adage … If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it … does it make a sound? […]
  • Like Adam and Eve …
    God first made man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. And man became a living soul. God then called the man Adam and […]
  • Music …
    We know that music can ignite the emotions, soothe the soul. From Streisand to Springfield. From Celine to Sinatra. Music has a magic about it. Music […]
  • Trinity
    There are no coincidences … none. Only connections of energy. My latest post written last Wednesday, featured the concept of a “3%er.” 3s … and their […]
  • Loss
    My sister in law had heart surgery yesterday. Serious. Possibly critical. My mind, emotions became heavy right away. Nancy and I were facing the possibility of […]
  • As the Road Narrows …
    No intention to be maudlin here. Just the opposite. I just celebrated my 75th birthday. As I move along “the back nine” of my life, there […]
  • “Centering Down”
    I listened to a wonderful audio interview this morning with Robert Franklin, former president of Morehouse College and Visiting Professor at Stanford University’s Martin Luther King […]
  • Anger
    Months of being cooped up … removed from so many of routine stuff that makes life fun? I’ve noticed (no kidding) the intensity of the anger […]
  • We’re Reaping What We’ve Sown
    Maybe you like me are exhausted hearing about Millennials and Generation Zs congregating in groups … world wide. Spreading what now is the widest infections of […]
  • Light …
    The front page of the WSJ this morning featured a picture of the sun. Our source of daily light and warmth. The word “light” has come […]
  • The “Gathering” …
    One key when coaching is what I call one’s “preferred future.” Questions like “Who am I?” … “Where am I going?” … “What am I called […]
  • The “Thread” …
    It’s a month before my 75th birthday. A good friend of mine wanted to help me celebrate! While at lunch one day he asked me this.“You’ve […]
  • Sentimentality
    An unexpected emotional aspect of this virus mess for me? A deepened feeling of sentimentality. Even a little check in with my mortality. People today say […]
  • “I Still Believe”
    Nancy and I watched a movie the other day. “I Still Believe” won’t win Academy Awards. But that afternoon it was worthy of an award from […]
  • Spacing Between the Notes
    Have you ever tried to slide your way down a steep grassy hill in sneakers? Front leg in front. Slipping … inching your way down? Losing […]
  • The Spirit …
    I wrote recently about the death of my Aunt Sis. On reflection I realized something I had to write about this morning. I’ve been out of […]
  • Wonder at Christmas
    For the past twenty one years I’ve written a Christmas Letter to my family … in recent years more written for my grandchildren. For the past […]
  • “Tips” for Christmas …
    A repeat of a Holiday message originally written and  posted in December of 2016. Merry Christmas to all … Al Bailey’s my newspaper guy. For 26yrs he has […]
  • “We all comin’ home”
    Nancy and I watched a movie last night. In it a beautiful lady played by Rene Zellweger experienced a saddening death after a long bout with […]
  • The Parable of the Spoons
    In a ancient times there lived two groups of people who lived in villages adjacent to one another. Times were trying. Survival … existence was what most […]
  • “The Power of Love“
    I’m an Episcopalian. Don’t even know why I opened this piece with this sentence. It was top of mind, I guess. My thoughts a flowing. Maybe […]
  • Feeling …
    Can there be a more special moment than watching my granddaughter spontaneously show her “feelings” while on the ocean …Many years ago my coach told me, […]
  • Lubrication …
    As a Life Coach I’m often asked, “Coaching. What’s that mean? What do you do?” Frankly, I’ve always found it hard to describe. Non factual, behavior […]
  • Living … Laughing … Loving
    Nancy and have a number of memorable vacation spots. While visiting our favorite four years ago … Harbor Island in the Bahamas we came upon a […]
  • “It was only then I knew … “
    As a coach there’s an absolute with all I work with … you must reach outside yourself with your aspirations, desires, and define your end game. […]
  • I Owe It All to …
    Nick Foles. Hardly a household name. That’s until his heroic performance in last year’s Super Bowl. Subbing for injured quarterback Carson Wentz … not having thrown […]
  • Doing … Being
    I got a call last week from a former fifty eight year old client of mine. Wanted to get together for lunch. “I just wanted to […]
  • Heaven and Love
    My image of heaven has always been a place up in the sky … a journey through a tunnel of bright light. No fear. Ascension of […]
  • A Million Reasons …
    Nick Foles, the MVP of this year’s unique Super Bowl following the Eagles victory over the Patriots said this. “I never would be here if it […]

Personal Growth

  • Pathways
    Here’s a model of the heart. Your heart … my heart. The central organ of human life. Did you know the heart pumps two thousand; yes, […]
  • A “Diamond” Event …
    I was trying to think how I could best say thank you. Thank the three wonderful people pictured above and the great members of their team […]
  • Your Core
    These words from my long-time trainer … “Bob, most of training depends on a key element. Strengthening your core. Your core supports your posture, your back. […]
  • Rejection …
    Work with my coach Chris revealed years ago that my Achilles heal has always been my feeling of rejection. Experienced first in kindergarten, my eyes were […]
  • Growing or Swelling …
    David and Mike had a toxic partnership. Mary and Jack’s marriage was on the rocks. Susan told Joanne she never wanted to see her again. Much […]
  • The Gun in the Drawer …
    We’ve all heard the phrase “idle” threats. Whether your raising a child or training a dog … these don’t work. I’ve worked with business leaders who […]
  • The Distribution Phase
     The following piece was written for a book I’m writing. CONNECTIONS will take the reader through my lifetime experiences. Those messages and learning I’m committed to […]
  • Events and People … Pass
    … but the emotions never die. THE WORLD SERIES has come to Atlanta!! I was watching the recap of the Braves stunning third win last night over […]
  • How Lucky People … Get Lucky
    “He’s so lucky. How does he do it?” I listened to a Ted Talk the other day. Given by a professor from Stanford University who teaches […]
  • On Thinking Small …
    All my life I’ve been told … “Think big!” In order to get ahead in life, Bob, you must … think “big”. But recently I’ve been […]
  • A “3%er” …
    It’s Thanksgiving. And this comes to mind?! Maddening sometimes. But, well. Here goes … Am I crazy? Sure. I think we all are. It’s just a […]
  • Peggy Lee
      Peggy Lee was a famous songstress of the 1940s and ‘50s. Her most famous song was entitled, “Is That All There is.” The refrain in […]
  • On Being Stoic …
    Have you ever watched someone who in the midst of a heated argument, maintains a firm, confident presence. Eyes focused. Few blinks. Who refuses to overreact […]
  • The Leaders in Our Midst …
    Countless books have been written on the subject of leadership. Wondrous heroes, larger than life people who have imprinted many lives with their courage, their imagination. […]
  • Who Are You? … Really
    Who Are You? … Really  You think you know you. I think I know me. Well, this may be only partially true. Let me share a few […]
  • The Best Medicine …
    You get out of bed … you brush your teeth … you eat your breakfast … you go to work … you come home … you […]
  • “Selfishness”
    A revered friend of mine passed away last year. Most of us fear dying or getting seriously illness. He knew he was going to die. His […]
  • The Pandemic and Me
    Events of the past two weeks, the last two days really. Have certainly been “times that try men’s souls.” Shaken my foundation. The pace of change […]
  • Small Gestures …
    I came across a very interesting person recently. Can’t remember his name … just his story. He was a writer. A good writer. Ambitious. Wrote for […]
  • Doing … Being
    How does a shark die? It stops swimming. Hard to think we resemble this gruesome creature. But in a way many of us do. We are […]
  • Feeling …
    Can there be a more special moment than watching my granddaughter spontaneously show her “feelings” while on the ocean …Many years ago my coach told me, […]
  • When Coaching Ends
    I always have a hard time when a coaching relationship comes to an end. As most do. Some only last a month. I have two that […]
  • Pick Your Spots …
    I had lunch with a good friend of mine yesterday. Good because we are extremely open … vulnerable with one another. Granted we’re both right brainers […]
  • It’s Not What’s Wrong … It’s What Happened
     “What’s wrong with me?” This is the question I’ve been asked most over the years I’ve been coaching. “What’s wrong with me?” “I have these issues […]
  • Success is Never Final …
    … failure is never fatal. I learned the other day that if a shark stops swimming … it will die. It needs to keep swimming to keep […]
  • The “Eyes” vs The “I”s … and The “Eyes” Have It
    As the common saying goes, “There’s no “I” in team.” No I agree. But great teamwork requires many “eyes” to be successful doesn’t it. Consider a […]
  • Right – Left … Right – Left
    Not the marching chant. Rather … this. Nancy and I have a couple we see often. Conversation always very balanced, back and forth. Over dinner mostly. […]
  • One More Time … Reaching Out in Love
    I may be accused of covering the same theme here … over and over. But I don’t think there is anything that changes us more than […]
  • Pride
    I interviewed a young man yesterday for a client here in Atlanta.At the end of all interviews I conduct, I tell the candidate, “Now I’m your […]
  • Vulnerability …
    Vulnerability and trust are kissin’ cousins. “I’ve shared this thought with those I coach for years. Putting yourself at risk … emotional risk. Being open. The […]
  • Winning … and You
    The Tiger Woods story will be told for years to come. A legendary athletic feat that stunningly evolved before our eyes last week. Maybe never to […]
  • It’s All About Speed …
    I watch TV commentary a lot. I go to Starbucks most mornings. I talk to millennials. One thing I’ve noticed that these experiences have in common? […]
  • Live Your Life …
    If your like me, the news, … the plethora of TV pundits is kinda like a bathroom sink that won’t drain. A worthless pool of stuff […]
  • Authenticity …
    My father was an unforgettable character. A great athlete, wonderful provider. And even though he rarely told me so … very proud of me. He taught […]
  • Weddings and Funerals …
    Life is finite. This comes front and center for me at weddings and funerals. The beginnings of the new, and all the promise ahead. The endings […]
  • Are You a Martyr? …
    What is a martyr? By definition … … Seeking out suffering or persecution because it either feeds a psychological need or a desire to avoid responsibility … […]
  • Culture Trumps Strategy … Every Time
    After 50+ years of building, working with teams large and small, I have learned one indisputable thing. Culture trumps strategy … every time. Early in 2017 […]
  • He Never Hit Back …
    Our President. Trump, “Hits Back!” Well, he does. But what if he didn’t? At least not quite as much. Let me share a story that may […]
  • Courage … Changes Everything
    The status quo dies hard. After all it has one of the most powerful forces on the planet as its ally. Fear. Changing things disrupting status […]
  • The Gift of Listening …
    In the movie the “Dream Girls” Beyoncé performs the song “Listen.” “With a song in my heart…🎶” she sings as she laments about a boyfriend who […]
  • Coasters …
    Coasting …“I’m a success.” … “I’ve retired” … “I’ve never been happier.”All statements I’ve heard from others. “I can just sit back and enjoy the ride. […]
  • The Essence of Heart …
    REPEATED FROM A PREVIOUS BLOG POST …The beautiful passage below is offered with respect but intention … to all my fellow users of technology. All that […]
  • Abundant vs Scarcity Mentality
    Last Saturday evening I had the honor of attending the 50th anniversary celebration of my long term consulting client, The Benefit Company. I was asked to […]
  • Never Apologize for Your Tears…
    America has lost a hero. That term may be overused today. But Charles Krauthammer was certainly a hero. He died last week. Charles was the essence […]
  • When You’re Down …
    We all get down at times. Some of us (actually quite a few of us) have suffered from depression or other form of mental illness. But […]
  • Power Quotes from 2017 … for ‘18
    I read a lot. Four hundred books on the shelves in my office tell me so. I am always inspired when true words of wisdom, quotes […]


  • Pace
    H. Payson Brickley. Known to his many friends as “Pace.” My dad. Not sure why I waited seven years writing a piece about him. But I […]
  • One Day … What a Day!
    The term may be overused … even hackneyed. “The experience of a lifetime.” But l’m going to use it here. This past weekend for Nancy and […]
  • Tess …
    Look at this beautiful gal. She’s mom to two dear friends. Now it’s never polite to ask a lady her age. But in this case go […]
  • Mr. “Nobody”
    He has been, always will be, a Marine; Tough guy (had both knees replaced at once!) Ouch! He was quarterback on our league champion football team […]
  • “What If …”
    “What If” … Age brings with it an unmistakable nostalgia. A depth of feeling that was absent in my earlier years. I’ve written about my mom. […]
  • Mornings with “T”
    “No… you’re kidding” … “You do not”… “How do you?” … “What in God’s name do you talk about?!” This is what I hear from friends […]
  • Shannon
    There’s a friend I’ve known for many years. He stands erect. Almost statuesque. He’s fit… very. He’s bald… very. He is handsome. And originally from Haiti. […]
  • “Ninety Nine!”
    Those of you who I might refer to as “fossils” like me will remember the song we sang on trips. Or during a boring afternoon… “Ninety-Nine […]
  • My Boys
    They are special. They’ve always been special. My triplet grandsons soon to celebrate their nineteenth birthday.  Ralfie, Jack and Willy. Just wonderful boys since the day […]
  • The Achiever …
    Have you ever had a moment when your feelings went from sadness to joy in an instant? This happened to me yesterday as I attended the […]
  • Mary
    Her energy is infectious … her love for her family? Unwavering. Her personality? More to follow. When she speaks? Well, let me just say. I never […]
  • Melanie …
    There are those few rare people I meet who are truly dedicated to a life of service. Those who just seem to know a lot. People […]
  • Peter
    “A day without laughter is a day lost.” Is it possible to have tears of laughter and sadness at the same time?  For sure in me … […]
  • Omar
    He’s unique. Simply one of a kind. I’ve known him for over twenty years. Have sat in the first row watching him take on all comers […]
  • Andre De Schields …
    Andre De Shields … Decades long celebrated actor. Renowned star of so many wonderful productions. Among them …  “The Wiz” … “Ain’t Misbehavin.” He culminated his incredible […]
  • Acuna
    He’s 22. Doesn’t speak English. Don’t know how he did in school. No college for sure. But don him in a baseball uniform … release him […]
  • “Coach” …
      There’s something about an occasional encounter with another that well, how can I best put it … kinda touches your soul. Over dramatic? Maybe a […]
  • The Diet Coke …
    Something as simple as a Diet Coke. Sometimes that’s all it takes. I actually prefer Coke Zero. But it was a Diet Coke (actually it was The Diet Coke) … five […]
  • Poor
    Later years in life find me thinking about more the important things. I love remembering people who have given me parts of themselves that have helped […]
  • Mr. McAdoo
    A guy so special to so many over 100 years will this February be celebrating his … you got it. His one hundredth birthday! I honor […]
  • Mom
    I watched a Netfix series this week. “Surviving Death” a documentary questioning, “Is there life after death?” Is there a “different” consciousness, presence once we pass […]
  • BB
    One of my dearest friends … a true mentor of mine, died this afternoon. A kinder more elegant man I never knew. I’m picturing him in […]
  • The “Peaker”
    Not his nickname necessarily. Just what I call him. David Peak and I attended competing prep schools (his school competition for mine?? No) … in Philadelphia […]
  • Jerry
    “It’s about time!” … hear this a lot. But this phrase applies particularly well here. I just finished reading an article written in “The Trinity Reporter,” […]
  • Jack Rogers
    I was privileged to attend one of the finest prep schools in the country … The William Penn Charter School in Philadelphia. My loyalty to the […]
  • My Loving Sister …
    She’s my little sister. “Chrost” is my loving nickname for her. She was born five years behind me. She’ll never be as old as me … […]
  • “Bobby” …
    Bobby Cox … “Bobby” as he is known here in Atlanta and throughout all of Major League Baseball was the legendary manager of the Atlanta Braves […]
  • Aunt Sis
    My Aunt Sis died yesterday. Sadness for sure. But at 90? Good for her. Wow! Did the memories flood in as I talked on my phone […]
  • Gabe
    One of the challenges one faces later in life is the passing of friends … maybe especially, old friends. Because with old friends the history is […]
  • Monty
    I hope you’ve had a friend or two you see infrequently, but always reconnect with instantly. Connection rich in history, emotionally resonant. Dave Montgomery was this […]
  • The “Z”s
    No … I’m not referring to 💤💤s … as in sleep. Rather I’m remembering the gathering of dear relatives of mine, I’ll call them the “Zs” It […]
  • Claude …
    This was written in May 2017 … I am posting it today in celebration  of his 92nd birthday … I was new to Atlanta… loved my […]
  • Camille
    The following is a piece I sent to Nancy’s sister. We’ve shared laughs over the years about those we’ve known who simply always take themselves way […]
  • Chris
    “The Space Between the Notes” is now three years old. Over 100 posts. Thanks to you who have taken time to visit. Allowing me to share […]
  • Scotty
    I read a biblical message every morning. Yesterday the passage entitled,  The Power of Silence. Just sitting, doing nothing and allowing a “message” or two float […]
  • Taylor
    If you’ve read any of this Blog you know I was blessed at age 51 to “uncover” my calling in life … helping people grow. I was […]
  • BB
    We met on an airplane in 1989 traveling to an industry convention. “Hi, I’m BB Brown. Where’d you get those glasses?”  (They were metal… horn rim. So like […]
  • Darren
    I many ways I live an enchanted life. Enough cash, a great family, lots of golf… the amazing people I coach. This week Nancy and I […]
  • Our Children…
    I am so grateful. Start all my mornings… up around 2:30-3. In bed last night at 7:30. Do the math before gasping. Previewed the new Mercedes […]
  • Martha Sterne
    Martha SterneI don’t know Martha Sterne well. Nancy and I have retired on “Someday Isle” when it comes to church. You know… some days I’ll go… […]
  • Payson
    I have many “bright lights” in my life today. People, events, learnings… all amplify my growth, my journey in these later years. None shines as bright […]
  • Al Elstein …
    I’m at Hartford’s Bradley Airport having just attended my 50th college reunion. A weekend full of faces known and unknown. “Who’s that?” … was a question […]
  • Jake …
    Jake …”Tee hee hee”… “Look, here comes Jake!” 10 year old girls in the hallway at Jackson Elementary. Giddy. Walking down the hallway? My grandson, Jake. […]
  • The Boys
    contributor The Boys… …my triplet 13 yr old grandsons in CT. Born a pound and a half each at birth. In the hospital for months before […]


  • “Help me, Bobby.”
    “Help me, Bobby.” This was the “pact” I had with my mother. She was so beautiful. What’s a “pact?” Something resulting from a spiritual awakening I […]
  • Amygdala …
    This is hard for me to write about. But as I’ve always known… writing is my therapy. My release. So here goes. There was an incident […]
  • Layers
      You have many relationships in your lifetime. So do I. Family, friends, close friends. And lots of acquaintances. We will have different experiences with all […]
  • “S” CURVE
    We experience numerous cycles in our lives. We can’t manage anything, change anything without first acknowledging it. Acknowledging, being aware of where we are located as […]
  • The Kid …
    Decisions. Those points in time that define your life. We are all the product of the decisions you make. For sure. Analyzing, rationalizing facts, weighing the […]
  • “Brave” Connection
    A slight break in the action to capture a “firefly” moment I must share with you.   I’m viewing the celebration … a parade, and a concert […]
  • A “Topper” …
    When we moved to CT, we bought our dream home. A realtor “friend” of ours came to visit one day. “Oh, what a beautiful ‘starter’ home you […]
  • 85%
     “You know, I just don’t know how I can do this anymore.” Thus began a challenging conversation I had with a coachie recently. He told me […]
  • The Not So Odd Couple …
    I first posted this blog at Christmas time in 2017. I’m reposting it here on the occasion of Gary Lane’s 73rd Birthday. As you’ll see … this […]
  • Sisters
    My two daughters were meeting a few years ago in NY. Neither had any idea what the other would be wearing. They look like twins here […]
  • Don’t Zoom … Touch
    There’s been quite a lot of commotion these days about the emergence of “Zoom.” A fabulous new technology actually. At the beginning of this year? Zoom […]
  • Relationship … “empty calories”
    Zoom!! “Why don’t we just do a Zoom call.” Today? Maybe 3, 4 times a day … I’m asked to have a Zoom call. With a […]
  • lingua franca …
    lingua franca … A bridge language, communication … linkage between two people connecting them. How people speaking two different languages can connect with one another. Without […]
  • A Friend …
    A few early morning musings today. These always surprise me.  Not only because they show up. But more because they are so vivid … compelling. Anyway. […]
  • Relationships
    Yesterday I read an eighty year study at Harvard on “happiness.” Involved a couple of thousand men, women. What makes one happy? Riches … accomplishments … […]
  • Bars, Planes and Barbershops …
    What could I possibly mean by these? Well, I’ve decided to act, behave differently every time I sit at a bar, fly on a plane or […]
  • My “Runaway” Friends …
    “Runaway” friends? What could I possibly mean by that?! Friends I’ve fought with … who left me?! Maybe because I was mean to them or maybe […]
  • The Value of Friends …
    Even though the words that follow are not my own. They could not be more descriptive of my relationship with my great friend George Bird … […]
  • “Leaving” Someone…
    We all at one time have had a challenging, uncomfortable, even toxic relationship with another person. A colleague at work. An old, difficult friend. Or yes, […]
  • The Not So Odd Couple…
    Gary and me. The Not So Odd Couple? … not odd at all. We’ve known each other for a long time. But have really gotten closer […]
  • The Crystal Vase…
    If you’ve read a number of the posts in this Blog, you’ve gathered that relationships… love of people is my passion. I’m asked, “Where did you […]
  • Humility…
    A great man reaches highest whenhe reaches down to help another man up. I grew up on the Main Line in Philadelphia. Don’t say “Oh!” like […]
  • Peter…
    Harvard came out with a 72yr study recently. “1 Secret to a Fulfilling Life ” What did they conclude? The secret?… Love. 72 years, one word, […]
  • Thoughts on Love…
    1 Corinthians 16:14 … Let all things you do be done in love… I was once told, “Did you know you cannot love a person?” “Oh? […]
  • We’re Living in… Righteousness?
    We are so polarized today aren’t we. Politics, relationships, what to have for dinner tonight. The flood of information, its’ speed of delivery has made us […]
  • Everybody’s Got a Story…
    I often have breakfast at the Ok Cafe. Great breakfast place near my home. I was with a “friend”of mine (I have no clients, only friends). […]
  • You Never Know Who’s Swimming Naked…
    … until the Tide goes out. This is a phrase I’ve used numerous times when deflection, confusion, untruths surface… abound. In a marriage, a business deal, […]


  • A Symmetry … Unexpected
    Oh, how easy is it to slip into! “Woe is me” The “Why me” syndrome! But you know, it’s actually easier to step away. Look at […]
  • “Stories”
    “God created man because He loved stories.” And everybody has one. Like the young woman above. Just a face in a crowd? No, just someone with […]
  • Oh my … what a Reunion!
    Above: Back row left … Ralfie; Jake; Jack; Willy; Ralf  Middle row … Brett and Sam Front row … Nancy; Lisa; Payson … Photographer; PopPop! Where […]
  • Christmas Story… Ebenezer and Friends
    I was reading a book this morning that opened with a horrific account of the author experiencing an almost life ending accident at school. Hit with […]
  • Tradition!
    In the highly acclaimed play, “Fiddler on the Roof,” Tevye the milkman (picture above) played by Zero Mostel cries out, … “Tradition! Tradition! “ In the presence of danger? How […]
  • Good Bye
    I just left a funeral for a beautiful eighteen month child who lived in our neighborhood. An acute illness took her from us one night last […]
  • XXI Onward
    In 2002… 1. It took an average of 12.5 minutes to download a song on a 56k modem, and it took 16 seconds for a web […]
  • Pitching
    “You’re going to be a pitcher.” I can still remember those words. My father’s words at my age 7. Like most dads, whether he wanted to […]
  • It’s No Secret …
    I reconnected with my coach yesterday. He’s always got something new or something we return to that has added impact on my personal growth. He asked […]
  • As I Age …
    As I age, continue to mature, grow older. There are reflections  Bits of changes in my personal behavior, I find make my  life much more rewarding. […]
  • Graduation
    Those of you who have experienced a child or grandchild graduating from high school will relate here. This will recount my remembrance of my granddaughter Payson’s […]
  • Runaway “Paradox”
    No I’m not running away. And I’m not referring to Del Shannon’s popular ‘70s song, “Run, Run, Run Away.” I’m talking here about one magical place, […]
  • Duty as Joy
    I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was duty. I worked—and behold, duty was joy. This beautiful quote from […]
  • Ocean
    Vast … shimmering … always active. But soothingly so. A gorgeous, sparkling blue. This is the ocean. In all it’s wonderment.
  • Welcome to Amazing Express belongs in “Experiences” Refile to “Experiences”
    Relationships between people? Are primary of course. But between you and “service providers?” These are important too, aren’t they. You know. Your pharmacy. Your lawn care […]
  • Sports “Buzz”
    In April … I wrote about the travails of a losing professional sports team. The energy drain … the sadness. That spreads through a city when […]
  • Just So Proud! ❤️
    See this guy? That’s what I’m doing right now … celebrating! I don’t think I’ve ever felt more proud in my life than I’ve felt this […]
  • 11,000 Reasons …
    … why I won’t be playing Bobby Jones Golf Course again. Ever again. I have neuropathy in my right foot. Walking a golf course? Any long […]
  • Writing …
    George Andrews … a very dear friend, shared these messages with me back in April. I revisited them this morning and wanted to save them so […]
  • My 75th Birthday …
    I’ve always known that writing memorializes experiences, people, events that define a life lived. Joys, sorrows, victories, defeats. All the things that make up the human […]
  • The Fahey Cup
    The following is a revision … a reprint of a post from 2017. The “Fahey Cup” lives on. We will gather to celebrate our 20th “Fahey” […]
  • Private School
    I went to an all boys school. A private school. The William Penn Charter School in Philadelphia. My mom and dad weren’t wealthy. So there were […]
  • Thanksgiving 2019
    A dear friend of mine sent this to me last night. At this special time, please take a little time … to embrace the “space between […]
  • Reciprocity
    Back and forth … back and forth … back and forth.Reciprocal things. A metronome. A swaying branch on a tree. A swing. An unforgettable, repeating melody.So […]
  • A Moment …
    Friends ask every once in awhile, “Are you Ok?” Think I’m nuts when I write about some things. This may be one. But just me. Here […]
  • Annie …
    I find things that converge together for me often. It happened again this morning when I was directed … randomly … to a Ted Talk on […]
  • North Wayne Avenue …
    A distant remembrance of the guys above flashed to my mind this morning. Memories from my childhood. Nugget and Dusty at the home of my grandparents […]
  • LLWS
    It’s a rare gift when you get an hour, even a day with your grandchildren. But when you have three days? Well … just a blast! […]
  • The Bird’s Nest
    A friendship. One seeded in college. But it really sprouted five years ago. With a Diet Coke in Wilmington. DE, A three hour conversation and we […]
  • Every Saturday?! Really?!


  • Faith for Teens
    I’ve mentioned I have five grandchildren. They’re always a wonder, such a joy. A fleeting but constant thought I’ve had? How can I help them learn […]
  • What a great time,
    “What a great time,”A simple phrase Nancy and I share when being with another couple. Hard to find two people you both like. Sound familiar. Usually […]
  • “Surprising” Maine …
    We all have friendships. Those you have had for awhile. New ones. Maybe you’ve moved, retired somewhere or just met some friends along the way. Friends are […]
  • “Eighth Grade”
    I believe we all get messages… I call them “whispers.” Instinctive flashes of thought that most of us ignore, rarely act upon. Call them messages from […]
  • Cobblestone Romance…
    Italy… 2018. Check out the impassioned words of our exceptional guide Mario Marcosano as Nancy and I journeyed through southern Italy last week …“Ladies and gentlemen. […]
  • This 4th… Let Your Freedom Ring
    Independence Day. Martin Luther King said, “From every mountainside… Let freedom ring.” Indeed our uniqueness is rooted in this very concept. Let freedom ring!I would ask […]
  • The “Mangy Dog” Chronicles
    May 21-25, 2018 Have you ever had one of those magical weeks? You know six or seven days in a row when everything just clicks? Like […]
  • Note to My Audience…
    Technology rears it’s ugly head periodically. My Blog does not escape this reality. Those interested will notice a change in the format of the Blog. The “Theme” […]
  • The Blue Ridge Grille
    If coffee beans in Brazil are sold for $.20 pound … but a cup of coffee on the Ponte Vecchio in Florence, Italy costs $20 …What’s […]
  • A Million Reasons …
    Nick Foles, the MVP of this year’s unique Super Bowl following the Eagles victory over the Patriots said this. “I never would be here if it […]
  • The Christmas Letter
    For the last 19 years I have written a letter at Christmas to my family. I share the 19th with you here.FAITHFaith is trust, assurance and […]
  • My Wonderful Week …
    Catharsis … providing psychological relief through theopen expression of strong emotions. This past week was a unique one for me. Cathartic… unexpectedly. It’s true… cathartic. What […]
  • Houston? We have an Opportunity…
    The following with some revision on my part was sent to me this week by a friend. Beautiful. Inspired by tragedy… immersed in love. As the […]
  • “Living” Insurance …
    I have been in and around the life insurance industry for decades… almost five. A noble calling in my experience. A career in life insurance despite […]
  • After 40 Posts… Time to Reflect
    On this Independence Day… reflecting seems so fitting.So here goes…I launched my blog… “The Space Between the Notes” in October of last year. 40 posts later, […]
  • “Surprise” Birthday
    Events will come to me periodically that I feel are worth sharing. You may benefit from the following because our lives are parallel in so many […]
  • It’s Not Just Lunch …
    There’s an article in the Wall Street Journal this morning entitled, Going Out to Lunch is a Dying Tradition. As one cited, “I put going out […]
  • Pine Valley 2017 … A Reprise
    The term, “experience of a lifetime” may be overused when describing a trip, or event you don’t forget. You know … just a great time. This […]
  • Four “Daze” on Harbor Island…
    A few weeks ago I told a friend of mine I was taking my girls to Harbor Island. Just the four of us. Most I’d told […]
  • 46 in 1
    Nancy and I just celebrated 46 yrs of marriage. Incredible years filled with the joys of shared experiences, children, grandchildren. Just so many magical remembrances. Of […]
  • The “White” Driver and a 46th Wedding Anniversary…
    Three years ago during an all employee meeting at Taylor Made Golf Equipment, the CEO asked the crowd of hundreds, “Would anyone like to share an […]
  • The Fahey Cup
    Last night Nancy and I attended the Annual Meeting of Ansley Golf Club here in Atlanta. A special place for our family. The meeting was electric… […]
  • D’ya ever see a dead man fall out of a window?”
    My grandfather was accomplished. Above all he was a real character. Many Sunday’s “Pop” would drive from his apartment in Germantown, Philadelphia to our home in […]
  • Sandbags for Christmas…
    Ebenezer Scrooge. Shows up every Christmas. Stooped over… grimaced face… angry, oh so angry. A life of greed, contempt, unhappiness. Even hate. He’s familiar to us.In […]
  • The Time your “Light’ went on …
    contributor Vic Beasley was a consensus all American linebacker at Clemson University in 2013, 2014. He was a the first round draft pick of the Atlanta Falcons […]
  • A Gift at Christmas… Al Bailey
    Al Bailey’s my newspaper guy. For 26yrs he has delivered my morning paper. 5:15am every morning, double wrapped rain or shine. Has never missed! Al’s amazing. […]
  • ——–, and The Essence of Heart
    tunnel I have a friend. Call her, “——-, my Belle (old Beatles tune) for the sake of anonymity. I sent this to her this morning. I […]
  • The Song… “It Was a Very Good Year.” Remember?
    contributor “It Was a Very Good Year” For those who can remember… the melodious tones of Frank Sinatra. A very good year. What was your best […]


  • Touch of Wisdom from CS Lewis (1948)
    “On Living in an Atomic Age” (1948) in Present Concerns: Journalistic Essays It’s now clear that COVID-19 is a deadly serious global pandemic, and all necessary […]
  • Wisdom from Ben Franklin
    The quote below should remind us all that we have a choice at key moments in time.To see either a rising or a setting sun. Our […]
  • We’re Reaping What We’ve Sown
    Maybe you like me are exhausted hearing about Millennials and Generation Zs congregating in groups … world wide. Spreading what now is the widest infections of […]
  • Wisdom
    What is wisdom? While the definition my be elusive, we usually know it when we see it. Don’t we. Typically, my “older” friends come across as […]
  • Wisdom in the 90s
    The death of George H.W. Bush this passed weekend hit me unexpectedly hard. As I meditated this morning, I realized why. Bush’s oldest son Neil said, yesterday, […]
  • The Opposite of Love…
    If you asked someone, “What’s the opposite of Love?” The normal reply, “Hate”. I ask this question frequently, and I get the same reply, “Hate”. Richard Jampolsky […]
  • We All Have Mental Issues… Here’s Why
    The New York best seller, I’ve Been Thinkin’ by Maria Shriver is a thought provoking collection of short chapters detailing the lessons she has learned during […]
  • Take Responsibility…
    Chris Andersonn has coached me for over 20 years. He lives in California. I live in Georgia. We talk for an hour… hour and a half… […]
  • “And did you get all you wanted from this life, even so?”
    This beautiful quote from a poem by Robert Frost is thought provoking. The symmetry of the verse challenges you and comforts you at the same time. […]
  • Don’t Fear Alone Time …
    I’ve become very nocturnal. Love the very early part of a new day. In bed early. Get 7 hours of sleep every night. Clock just awakes […]
  • Our Fleeting Values …
    Where have they gone? Our values that is … our courtesies, our basic sense of respect, just plain decency. Our college campuses give me the most […]


  • “And It Found Us” …
    Tomorrow is the 4th of July. The true opening of the second half of a year. Perhaps you like me set personal goals for 2024. You […]
  • Nip It in the Bud …
    There have been so many times I’ve avoided dealing with an issue or problem. You know … just put things off. This has rarely served me […]
  • The Boys …
    See these three guys? They are the triplet sons of my daughter Lisa and husband Ralf. They turn age twenty-one this Thursday, June 13th. We will […]
  • D-Day … A Perspective …
    “A society grows great when old men plant trees … In whose shade they will never sit.” —- Greek Proverb I planted this tree in front […]
  • Fear Not …
    This seemed like a good  piece to write just after this year’s Masters. Some of  the specifics here might be slightly off. But the message is […]
  • Three Audiences …
    Maybe like you, my “train” … the speed I move through life continues to accelerate. It used to be my “train” chugged up the hill like […]
  • Geese and Mosquitoes …
    Where in God’s name did this come from?! Well, I really can’t tell you, exactly. Just one of those “firefly” ideas of mine that flickered by […]
  • Your “Acorn” …
    “Mighty oaks from little acorns grow.” … right? I left my home of thirty six years, Philadelphia in 1981 to take on the task of rebuilding […]
  • A Minute
    How many times have you heard … “It’ll only take a minute.” (False) “Be back to you in a minute.” (Usually false) “Wait a minute!” (Maybe) […]
  • Value Before Price
    An experience this morning … a “firefly” really. Showed up unexpectedly. A great friend offered his premiere, 4th Row seats, behind home plate at a Braves […]
  • Messages …
    An honest admission. After posting this piece, I had a feeling it was simply? … too much about me. Self serving in a way. Some who […]
  • Experiences
    Memories… memorable things. Gifts? Money? Autos you’ve owned? Ok. You can search your memory for these. Retrieve them after some thought. But then there are thoughts you won’t […]
  • AWDs
    Hmm… The little guy here looks a little quizzical, doesn’t he. That’s because he knows that so much of what we intend to do… actually never gets […]
  • Try Now and Next
    Norman Lear is the genius creator of several fabulous television series. “All in the Family”; “Maude”; “The Jefferson’s” among his best. In an interview a few […]
  • The Weakest Pencil Stroke …
    I’m asked often. “Bob, how do you remember all that stuff? You always seem to be so well organized.” Frankly, I don’t remember it all. But […]
  • How to be Memorable
    This is Gracie. My darling golden doodle. From the first time I saw her, she’s never forgot me. I never forget her. But people are different. […]
  • Success
    There may be no word more discussed, a life experience more ardently pursued, planned for… than success. Whatever the endeavor. Succeeding is in play. Always the […]
  • Try this…
    Try this. The next time someone is “of service” to you. You know. A flight attendant, a waiter or waitress. Or a check out gal at […]
  • LIV ing Without Tradition …
    This is Greg Norman. They call him “The Shark.” Appropriate handle for this guy. More on him later. And I acknowledge my opinion may not be […]
  • Uncovering …
    We’ve all dreamed, “What if.” “What if I left this job?” Or. “If only I’d invested in ___ ? “What if.”  So many possibilities. Just dreams? […]
  • Truth and Conflict
    I had a revealing session with a coachie the other day. He was telling me how conscious he was about “telling the truth” … always. “Always?” […]
  • Live Your Life!
    There is a condition today … a malady really that just sprung to my mind I had to write about. This is an emotional purging of […]
  • The Night 98 Turned 68 …
    I have a very dear friend, Mary. Could write quite a piece about her. But this will have to wait for later. That’s Mary on the […]
  • On Writing Well …
    Writing is revealing what’s inside of us. Writing is a process in which we discover what lives in us. The writing itself reveals to us what […]
  • The “Second Question”
    Here’s a short piece that I think can make a difference …Full disclosure her. I live in Atlanta. But I grew up in Philadelphia. On the […]
  • The “Vomit” Memo …
    Kind of a weird title, huh. Really no other way to describe it. “”Vomiting” is as close as I can come to describing this. Let me […]
  • Margin
    Margin A behavioral edge that can be the difference between win or loss. Competency or inadequacy … Here is one of the most impactful teachings I […]
  • Discipline …
    DISCIPLINE Orderly or prescribed conduct; anorganized pattern of behavior;  Self control. One of the most important characteristics of successful people I’ve worked with over decades? Discipline. […]
  • 1.1.21 … Try Now and Next
    Norman Lear is the genius creator of a number of fabulous television series.  “All in the Family”; “Maude”; “The Jefferson’s” among his best. He was interviewed […]
  • Today’s Paradoxes … from 2010
    Here’s a list of paradoxes we all are all living with today. (author unknown) Wow! Cited ten years ago! Did these ever foreshadow then what we’re […]
  • A “Merry” Christmas …
    The definition of “merry” … cheerful and lively. This year? Well, maybe not so much. We’ve been knocked off course. We may feel a little more sullen, gloomy […]
  • It’s About Time …
    What if you could go back in time and relive a day, or a week in your life … where would you go? To an unforgettable […]
  • The Lens …
    Life is like a movie playing before your eyes.  Sounding in your ears. Senses … that serve as a lens that focuses our perception of what’s […]
  • Zoom … Bust
    Zoom! Here we go. Hooray! No more office space to pay for! Increased productivity! Commuting … out! All the savings. All that increased revenue! But alas, […]
  • When You’re Down …
    We all get down at times. Some of us (actually quite a few of us) have suffered from depression or other form of mental illness. But […]
  • Words Matter… But
    Horror … Evil … Catastrophe … all words that knife through the hearts of us all. Today another incident in Florida brings these words front and […]
  • Resonance
    Have you ever had someone walk in a room and suddenly there’s silence? Have you ever conversed with someone and found them absolutely spellbinding? I have. […]
  • You’re 3x5s …
    It’s taken me some time to learn that coaching is far more art than science. Hard to mechanize, structure. Three I coach currently have been with […]
  • New Year? … New Beginnings
    Gratitude, expectation, resolution. A time to begin anew… birth new ways if living, explore new possibilities. So vivid with hope. And always faced as well with […]
  • Weaknesses the Secret to Success
    If the ax is dull and one does not sharpen the edge,then he must use more strength; but wisdom brings success.Ecclesiastes 10:10I’ve always been a devotee […]
  • A Great Contradiction…
    I have long been deeply concerned. No actually shocked at the erosion of our value system as a free and prosperous people today. Values and principles […]
  • Out Into the Ether …
    Simply, this means. Something that disappears into nothing. I’ve attended hundreds of meetings in my life. Business, personal. When someone is asked why they hate meetings? […]
  • The Deeper You’ve Been …
    … the higher you go. This is actually something most of you may already know. What do I mean by “Deeper?” Abraham Lincoln, Oprah Winfrey, Bobby […]
  • Character… Unveils
    We all like to believe we’re a “person of character.” Right? I’m not one to cite others failings, flaws. Like you I hope I give others […]
  • The Emotional Risk …
    I’ve coached some big guys in my day. CEOS… entrepreneurs.They have gotten where they are by taking risks. Usually well calculated, but not always. Financially, career […]
  • Failure? Phooey!!
    I truly love the great people I have the privilege of coaching. They all want to grow. They’re “seekers.” Curious about themselves, others. Success to them? […]
  • “What a Coincidence!”
    I hear this a lot. You too? “Oh, what a coincidence!” You know the person you see in the grocery store you were just thinking about. […]
  • Windshield and Rearview Mirror…
    The mind can be a tricky. We look forward and we look backward. What’s in front of us. What’s in back of us. Both are important.Consider […]
  • Pleasing… Rarely Works
    As a coach, I deal with the full range of human emotions… challenging situations we all find ourselves in at different times.“He does this.” “She does […]
  • Life and the Staircase…
    I chose this illustration for my Blog to depict the path or journey I find so many on today. The stairs. Firm and clear at the bottom. […]
  • Accountability
    AccountabilityTaking responsibility for something that youhave done or something you are supposed to do.Or more simply… doing what you say you will do. I have lived […]
  • The Deep Pool Within…
    Sight … hearing … smell … taste and touch. Our five senses. Today is fast. A blur at times. When do we pause! Stop to savor […]
  • The Retirement Myth
    Retirement is a myth. I’ve engaged with execs, business owners, even a few friends. Coaching them as they move from a career, a new phase of […]
  • 14 Don’ts of Highly Effective People
    Years ago Stephen Covey wrote a groundbreaking book elevating the concept of personal growth. “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” Here are “14 Don’ts of […]
  • Illusions…
    Magicians are experts at the art of creating illusions. You may be too. With a friend, a person at work, your spouse. I certainly used to […]
  • Your “Light” …
    Have you ever experienced times when you’re really in the “Zone”? When you were truly energized, at your very best… just on? Great eye contact with […]
  • “Blind Spots”
    I once worked with a super sales guy. Led his Company in sales most years. Three homes… the big Mercedes… ego galore. You didn’t have to […]
  • A Pencil Beats the Memory… Every Time
    One thing I’ve always been good at … not letting ideas, thoughts, memories disappear, forgotten, never to be recaptured. My mantra? The weakest pencil stroke is […]
  • Our Future… the “Internal Universe”
    Our world today is in chaos. Our politics, our resources, the Global order. The lives of so many people all over the world are in complete […]
  • Why Coaching?
    “Why do I need a coach?” I’m asked this question all the time. Well, if things are going along “swimmingly”… you may not need a coach. […]
  • The Chasm and the Veil….
    Risk. I have found the greatest risk in life is… investing? starting a business? betting a bunch at Vegas? No. The greatest risk in life is […]
  • Passion… Confidence… Determination
    For the past seventeen years I have written “The Christmas Letter” to my family. It started as one of those travelogues, those look at us kind […]
  • “I’ve Got Enough” …
    Jack Bogle is the legendary pioneer and founder of Vanguard… one of the largest asset gathers in the world. Jack was wealthy. But far more humble. […]
  • Critical… Your Mental Screen
    A newborn… so precious. Equally as exhausting. Right? … for those new parents out there? A baby’s thought process? Very simple. Stimulus… response. Eat, sleep, poop. […]
  • Speed Can Kill… But now Slow Down.
    contributor My last Post?… Speed is a problem. But paradoxically, the best way to grow personally, professionally? Is to Slow down. Fred Couples, the beloved pro […]
  • Speed… Can Kill !!
    contributor Welcome to “The Space Between the Notes”… Post # 1 In an airport… a restaurant… walking on a sidewalk. What do we see? People on […]
  • Welcome!
    Frank Sinatra was once asked late in his career, “Mr Sinatra, your music has been so dynamic, so captivating for so many for so long. Is […]
  • Spaces Between the Notes…??
    contributor A great friend of mine asked me yesterday, “Bob, what do you mean by ‘The Space Between the Notes’?” Some of you may be asking […]
+ Spirituality


  • Our “Music” …
    “Most of us go to our graves with our music still inside us.” Oliver Wendell Holmes I’ve always found it hard to make myself vulnerable. Opening […]
  • Space
    When I created my blog in 2016 … “The Space Between the Notes” … I was never fully clear where the original idea came from. […]
  • The Movie
    This may be an excellent way to begin knowing that you in large part create energy that drives most of your life. Find the frequency best for […]
  • STRAP IN …
    Jon Batiste, the renowned jazz musician, was featured on the CBS show “Sunday Morning” yesterday. His story was spellbinding. Surpassed only by the magic of his […]
  • The Great “Spaces” …
    CONNECTIONS the book I’m writing is an extension of my six year blog, “The Space Between the Notes” The pauses, “spaces” … the discernment that needs […]
  • Better … Different
    I heard long ago … In marketing, you’d be better or different. Hopefully both. Different from the rest. Better than the rest. That’s how you beat […]
  • Music …
    This is a revisit of a post written last December following a magical evening with “The Fab Four” … above. At the Atlanta Symphony. Look at […]
  • 85%
     “You know, I just don’t know how I can do this anymore.” Thus began a challenging conversation I had with a coachie recently. He told me […]
  • The Bridge Builder …
    I have great admiration for those dedicated to helping others. Ultimately with the intention of leaving a legacy. I’m acquainted with many successful people who’ve earned a lot of money. God bless them. They’ve […]
  • You Never Know …
    There’s the old adage … If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it … does it make a sound? […]
  • Like Adam and Eve …
    God first made man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. And man became a living soul. God then called the man Adam and […]
  • Music …
    We know that music can ignite the emotions, soothe the soul. From Streisand to Springfield. From Celine to Sinatra. Music has a magic about it. Music […]
  • Trinity
    There are no coincidences … none. Only connections of energy. My latest post written last Wednesday, featured the concept of a “3%er.” 3s … and their […]
  • Loss
    My sister in law had heart surgery yesterday. Serious. Possibly critical. My mind, emotions became heavy right away. Nancy and I were facing the possibility of […]
  • As the Road Narrows …
    No intention to be maudlin here. Just the opposite. I just celebrated my 75th birthday. As I move along “the back nine” of my life, there […]
  • “Centering Down”
    I listened to a wonderful audio interview this morning with Robert Franklin, former president of Morehouse College and Visiting Professor at Stanford University’s Martin Luther King […]
  • Anger
    Months of being cooped up … removed from so many of routine stuff that makes life fun? I’ve noticed (no kidding) the intensity of the anger […]
  • We’re Reaping What We’ve Sown
    Maybe you like me are exhausted hearing about Millennials and Generation Zs congregating in groups … world wide. Spreading what now is the widest infections of […]
  • Light …
    The front page of the WSJ this morning featured a picture of the sun. Our source of daily light and warmth. The word “light” has come […]
  • The “Gathering” …
    One key when coaching is what I call one’s “preferred future.” Questions like “Who am I?” … “Where am I going?” … “What am I called […]
  • The “Thread” …
    It’s a month before my 75th birthday. A good friend of mine wanted to help me celebrate! While at lunch one day he asked me this.“You’ve […]
  • Sentimentality
    An unexpected emotional aspect of this virus mess for me? A deepened feeling of sentimentality. Even a little check in with my mortality. People today say […]
  • “I Still Believe”
    Nancy and I watched a movie the other day. “I Still Believe” won’t win Academy Awards. But that afternoon it was worthy of an award from […]
  • Spacing Between the Notes
    Have you ever tried to slide your way down a steep grassy hill in sneakers? Front leg in front. Slipping … inching your way down? Losing […]
  • The Spirit …
    I wrote recently about the death of my Aunt Sis. On reflection I realized something I had to write about this morning. I’ve been out of […]
  • Wonder at Christmas
    For the past twenty one years I’ve written a Christmas Letter to my family … in recent years more written for my grandchildren. For the past […]
  • “Tips” for Christmas …
    A repeat of a Holiday message originally written and  posted in December of 2016. Merry Christmas to all … Al Bailey’s my newspaper guy. For 26yrs he has […]
  • “We all comin’ home”
    Nancy and I watched a movie last night. In it a beautiful lady played by Rene Zellweger experienced a saddening death after a long bout with […]
  • The Parable of the Spoons
    In a ancient times there lived two groups of people who lived in villages adjacent to one another. Times were trying. Survival … existence was what most […]
  • “The Power of Love“
    I’m an Episcopalian. Don’t even know why I opened this piece with this sentence. It was top of mind, I guess. My thoughts a flowing. Maybe […]
  • Feeling …
    Can there be a more special moment than watching my granddaughter spontaneously show her “feelings” while on the ocean …Many years ago my coach told me, […]
  • Lubrication …
    As a Life Coach I’m often asked, “Coaching. What’s that mean? What do you do?” Frankly, I’ve always found it hard to describe. Non factual, behavior […]
  • Living … Laughing … Loving
    Nancy and have a number of memorable vacation spots. While visiting our favorite four years ago … Harbor Island in the Bahamas we came upon a […]
  • “It was only then I knew … “
    As a coach there’s an absolute with all I work with … you must reach outside yourself with your aspirations, desires, and define your end game. […]
  • I Owe It All to …
    Nick Foles. Hardly a household name. That’s until his heroic performance in last year’s Super Bowl. Subbing for injured quarterback Carson Wentz … not having thrown […]
  • Doing … Being
    I got a call last week from a former fifty eight year old client of mine. Wanted to get together for lunch. “I just wanted to […]
  • Heaven and Love
    My image of heaven has always been a place up in the sky … a journey through a tunnel of bright light. No fear. Ascension of […]
  • A Million Reasons …
    Nick Foles, the MVP of this year’s unique Super Bowl following the Eagles victory over the Patriots said this. “I never would be here if it […]
+ Personal Growth

Personal Growth

  • Pathways
    Here’s a model of the heart. Your heart … my heart. The central organ of human life. Did you know the heart pumps two thousand; yes, […]
  • A “Diamond” Event …
    I was trying to think how I could best say thank you. Thank the three wonderful people pictured above and the great members of their team […]
  • Your Core
    These words from my long-time trainer … “Bob, most of training depends on a key element. Strengthening your core. Your core supports your posture, your back. […]
  • Rejection …
    Work with my coach Chris revealed years ago that my Achilles heal has always been my feeling of rejection. Experienced first in kindergarten, my eyes were […]
  • Growing or Swelling …
    David and Mike had a toxic partnership. Mary and Jack’s marriage was on the rocks. Susan told Joanne she never wanted to see her again. Much […]
  • The Gun in the Drawer …
    We’ve all heard the phrase “idle” threats. Whether your raising a child or training a dog … these don’t work. I’ve worked with business leaders who […]
  • The Distribution Phase
     The following piece was written for a book I’m writing. CONNECTIONS will take the reader through my lifetime experiences. Those messages and learning I’m committed to […]
  • Events and People … Pass
    … but the emotions never die. THE WORLD SERIES has come to Atlanta!! I was watching the recap of the Braves stunning third win last night over […]
  • How Lucky People … Get Lucky
    “He’s so lucky. How does he do it?” I listened to a Ted Talk the other day. Given by a professor from Stanford University who teaches […]
  • On Thinking Small …
    All my life I’ve been told … “Think big!” In order to get ahead in life, Bob, you must … think “big”. But recently I’ve been […]
  • A “3%er” …
    It’s Thanksgiving. And this comes to mind?! Maddening sometimes. But, well. Here goes … Am I crazy? Sure. I think we all are. It’s just a […]
  • Peggy Lee
      Peggy Lee was a famous songstress of the 1940s and ‘50s. Her most famous song was entitled, “Is That All There is.” The refrain in […]
  • On Being Stoic …
    Have you ever watched someone who in the midst of a heated argument, maintains a firm, confident presence. Eyes focused. Few blinks. Who refuses to overreact […]
  • The Leaders in Our Midst …
    Countless books have been written on the subject of leadership. Wondrous heroes, larger than life people who have imprinted many lives with their courage, their imagination. […]
  • Who Are You? … Really
    Who Are You? … Really  You think you know you. I think I know me. Well, this may be only partially true. Let me share a few […]
  • The Best Medicine …
    You get out of bed … you brush your teeth … you eat your breakfast … you go to work … you come home … you […]
  • “Selfishness”
    A revered friend of mine passed away last year. Most of us fear dying or getting seriously illness. He knew he was going to die. His […]
  • The Pandemic and Me
    Events of the past two weeks, the last two days really. Have certainly been “times that try men’s souls.” Shaken my foundation. The pace of change […]
  • Small Gestures …
    I came across a very interesting person recently. Can’t remember his name … just his story. He was a writer. A good writer. Ambitious. Wrote for […]
  • Doing … Being
    How does a shark die? It stops swimming. Hard to think we resemble this gruesome creature. But in a way many of us do. We are […]
  • Feeling …
    Can there be a more special moment than watching my granddaughter spontaneously show her “feelings” while on the ocean …Many years ago my coach told me, […]
  • When Coaching Ends
    I always have a hard time when a coaching relationship comes to an end. As most do. Some only last a month. I have two that […]
  • Pick Your Spots …
    I had lunch with a good friend of mine yesterday. Good because we are extremely open … vulnerable with one another. Granted we’re both right brainers […]
  • It’s Not What’s Wrong … It’s What Happened
     “What’s wrong with me?” This is the question I’ve been asked most over the years I’ve been coaching. “What’s wrong with me?” “I have these issues […]
  • Success is Never Final …
    … failure is never fatal. I learned the other day that if a shark stops swimming … it will die. It needs to keep swimming to keep […]
  • The “Eyes” vs The “I”s … and The “Eyes” Have It
    As the common saying goes, “There’s no “I” in team.” No I agree. But great teamwork requires many “eyes” to be successful doesn’t it. Consider a […]
  • Right – Left … Right – Left
    Not the marching chant. Rather … this. Nancy and I have a couple we see often. Conversation always very balanced, back and forth. Over dinner mostly. […]
  • One More Time … Reaching Out in Love
    I may be accused of covering the same theme here … over and over. But I don’t think there is anything that changes us more than […]
  • Pride
    I interviewed a young man yesterday for a client here in Atlanta.At the end of all interviews I conduct, I tell the candidate, “Now I’m your […]
  • Vulnerability …
    Vulnerability and trust are kissin’ cousins. “I’ve shared this thought with those I coach for years. Putting yourself at risk … emotional risk. Being open. The […]
  • Winning … and You
    The Tiger Woods story will be told for years to come. A legendary athletic feat that stunningly evolved before our eyes last week. Maybe never to […]
  • It’s All About Speed …
    I watch TV commentary a lot. I go to Starbucks most mornings. I talk to millennials. One thing I’ve noticed that these experiences have in common? […]
  • Live Your Life …
    If your like me, the news, … the plethora of TV pundits is kinda like a bathroom sink that won’t drain. A worthless pool of stuff […]
  • Authenticity …
    My father was an unforgettable character. A great athlete, wonderful provider. And even though he rarely told me so … very proud of me. He taught […]
  • Weddings and Funerals …
    Life is finite. This comes front and center for me at weddings and funerals. The beginnings of the new, and all the promise ahead. The endings […]
  • Are You a Martyr? …
    What is a martyr? By definition … … Seeking out suffering or persecution because it either feeds a psychological need or a desire to avoid responsibility … […]
  • Culture Trumps Strategy … Every Time
    After 50+ years of building, working with teams large and small, I have learned one indisputable thing. Culture trumps strategy … every time. Early in 2017 […]
  • He Never Hit Back …
    Our President. Trump, “Hits Back!” Well, he does. But what if he didn’t? At least not quite as much. Let me share a story that may […]
  • Courage … Changes Everything
    The status quo dies hard. After all it has one of the most powerful forces on the planet as its ally. Fear. Changing things disrupting status […]
  • The Gift of Listening …
    In the movie the “Dream Girls” Beyoncé performs the song “Listen.” “With a song in my heart…🎶” she sings as she laments about a boyfriend who […]
  • Coasters …
    Coasting …“I’m a success.” … “I’ve retired” … “I’ve never been happier.”All statements I’ve heard from others. “I can just sit back and enjoy the ride. […]
  • The Essence of Heart …
    REPEATED FROM A PREVIOUS BLOG POST …The beautiful passage below is offered with respect but intention … to all my fellow users of technology. All that […]
  • Abundant vs Scarcity Mentality
    Last Saturday evening I had the honor of attending the 50th anniversary celebration of my long term consulting client, The Benefit Company. I was asked to […]
  • Never Apologize for Your Tears…
    America has lost a hero. That term may be overused today. But Charles Krauthammer was certainly a hero. He died last week. Charles was the essence […]
  • When You’re Down …
    We all get down at times. Some of us (actually quite a few of us) have suffered from depression or other form of mental illness. But […]
  • Power Quotes from 2017 … for ‘18
    I read a lot. Four hundred books on the shelves in my office tell me so. I am always inspired when true words of wisdom, quotes […]
+ People


  • Pace
    H. Payson Brickley. Known to his many friends as “Pace.” My dad. Not sure why I waited seven years writing a piece about him. But I […]
  • One Day … What a Day!
    The term may be overused … even hackneyed. “The experience of a lifetime.” But l’m going to use it here. This past weekend for Nancy and […]
  • Tess …
    Look at this beautiful gal. She’s mom to two dear friends. Now it’s never polite to ask a lady her age. But in this case go […]
  • Mr. “Nobody”
    He has been, always will be, a Marine; Tough guy (had both knees replaced at once!) Ouch! He was quarterback on our league champion football team […]
  • “What If …”
    “What If” … Age brings with it an unmistakable nostalgia. A depth of feeling that was absent in my earlier years. I’ve written about my mom. […]
  • Mornings with “T”
    “No… you’re kidding” … “You do not”… “How do you?” … “What in God’s name do you talk about?!” This is what I hear from friends […]
  • Shannon
    There’s a friend I’ve known for many years. He stands erect. Almost statuesque. He’s fit… very. He’s bald… very. He is handsome. And originally from Haiti. […]
  • “Ninety Nine!”
    Those of you who I might refer to as “fossils” like me will remember the song we sang on trips. Or during a boring afternoon… “Ninety-Nine […]
  • My Boys
    They are special. They’ve always been special. My triplet grandsons soon to celebrate their nineteenth birthday.  Ralfie, Jack and Willy. Just wonderful boys since the day […]
  • The Achiever …
    Have you ever had a moment when your feelings went from sadness to joy in an instant? This happened to me yesterday as I attended the […]
  • Mary
    Her energy is infectious … her love for her family? Unwavering. Her personality? More to follow. When she speaks? Well, let me just say. I never […]
  • Melanie …
    There are those few rare people I meet who are truly dedicated to a life of service. Those who just seem to know a lot. People […]
  • Peter
    “A day without laughter is a day lost.” Is it possible to have tears of laughter and sadness at the same time?  For sure in me … […]
  • Omar
    He’s unique. Simply one of a kind. I’ve known him for over twenty years. Have sat in the first row watching him take on all comers […]
  • Andre De Schields …
    Andre De Shields … Decades long celebrated actor. Renowned star of so many wonderful productions. Among them …  “The Wiz” … “Ain’t Misbehavin.” He culminated his incredible […]
  • Acuna
    He’s 22. Doesn’t speak English. Don’t know how he did in school. No college for sure. But don him in a baseball uniform … release him […]
  • “Coach” …
      There’s something about an occasional encounter with another that well, how can I best put it … kinda touches your soul. Over dramatic? Maybe a […]
  • The Diet Coke …
    Something as simple as a Diet Coke. Sometimes that’s all it takes. I actually prefer Coke Zero. But it was a Diet Coke (actually it was The Diet Coke) … five […]
  • Poor
    Later years in life find me thinking about more the important things. I love remembering people who have given me parts of themselves that have helped […]
  • Mr. McAdoo
    A guy so special to so many over 100 years will this February be celebrating his … you got it. His one hundredth birthday! I honor […]
  • Mom
    I watched a Netfix series this week. “Surviving Death” a documentary questioning, “Is there life after death?” Is there a “different” consciousness, presence once we pass […]
  • BB
    One of my dearest friends … a true mentor of mine, died this afternoon. A kinder more elegant man I never knew. I’m picturing him in […]
  • The “Peaker”
    Not his nickname necessarily. Just what I call him. David Peak and I attended competing prep schools (his school competition for mine?? No) … in Philadelphia […]
  • Jerry
    “It’s about time!” … hear this a lot. But this phrase applies particularly well here. I just finished reading an article written in “The Trinity Reporter,” […]
  • Jack Rogers
    I was privileged to attend one of the finest prep schools in the country … The William Penn Charter School in Philadelphia. My loyalty to the […]
  • My Loving Sister …
    She’s my little sister. “Chrost” is my loving nickname for her. She was born five years behind me. She’ll never be as old as me … […]
  • “Bobby” …
    Bobby Cox … “Bobby” as he is known here in Atlanta and throughout all of Major League Baseball was the legendary manager of the Atlanta Braves […]
  • Aunt Sis
    My Aunt Sis died yesterday. Sadness for sure. But at 90? Good for her. Wow! Did the memories flood in as I talked on my phone […]
  • Gabe
    One of the challenges one faces later in life is the passing of friends … maybe especially, old friends. Because with old friends the history is […]
  • Monty
    I hope you’ve had a friend or two you see infrequently, but always reconnect with instantly. Connection rich in history, emotionally resonant. Dave Montgomery was this […]
  • The “Z”s
    No … I’m not referring to 💤💤s … as in sleep. Rather I’m remembering the gathering of dear relatives of mine, I’ll call them the “Zs” It […]
  • Claude …
    This was written in May 2017 … I am posting it today in celebration  of his 92nd birthday … I was new to Atlanta… loved my […]
  • Camille
    The following is a piece I sent to Nancy’s sister. We’ve shared laughs over the years about those we’ve known who simply always take themselves way […]
  • Chris
    “The Space Between the Notes” is now three years old. Over 100 posts. Thanks to you who have taken time to visit. Allowing me to share […]
  • Scotty
    I read a biblical message every morning. Yesterday the passage entitled,  The Power of Silence. Just sitting, doing nothing and allowing a “message” or two float […]
  • Taylor
    If you’ve read any of this Blog you know I was blessed at age 51 to “uncover” my calling in life … helping people grow. I was […]
  • BB
    We met on an airplane in 1989 traveling to an industry convention. “Hi, I’m BB Brown. Where’d you get those glasses?”  (They were metal… horn rim. So like […]
  • Darren
    I many ways I live an enchanted life. Enough cash, a great family, lots of golf… the amazing people I coach. This week Nancy and I […]
  • Our Children…
    I am so grateful. Start all my mornings… up around 2:30-3. In bed last night at 7:30. Do the math before gasping. Previewed the new Mercedes […]
  • Martha Sterne
    Martha SterneI don’t know Martha Sterne well. Nancy and I have retired on “Someday Isle” when it comes to church. You know… some days I’ll go… […]
  • Payson
    I have many “bright lights” in my life today. People, events, learnings… all amplify my growth, my journey in these later years. None shines as bright […]
  • Al Elstein …
    I’m at Hartford’s Bradley Airport having just attended my 50th college reunion. A weekend full of faces known and unknown. “Who’s that?” … was a question […]
  • Jake …
    Jake …”Tee hee hee”… “Look, here comes Jake!” 10 year old girls in the hallway at Jackson Elementary. Giddy. Walking down the hallway? My grandson, Jake. […]
  • The Boys
    contributor The Boys… …my triplet 13 yr old grandsons in CT. Born a pound and a half each at birth. In the hospital for months before […]
+ Relationships


  • “Help me, Bobby.”
    “Help me, Bobby.” This was the “pact” I had with my mother. She was so beautiful. What’s a “pact?” Something resulting from a spiritual awakening I […]
  • Amygdala …
    This is hard for me to write about. But as I’ve always known… writing is my therapy. My release. So here goes. There was an incident […]
  • Layers
      You have many relationships in your lifetime. So do I. Family, friends, close friends. And lots of acquaintances. We will have different experiences with all […]
  • “S” CURVE
    We experience numerous cycles in our lives. We can’t manage anything, change anything without first acknowledging it. Acknowledging, being aware of where we are located as […]
  • The Kid …
    Decisions. Those points in time that define your life. We are all the product of the decisions you make. For sure. Analyzing, rationalizing facts, weighing the […]
  • “Brave” Connection
    A slight break in the action to capture a “firefly” moment I must share with you.   I’m viewing the celebration … a parade, and a concert […]
  • A “Topper” …
    When we moved to CT, we bought our dream home. A realtor “friend” of ours came to visit one day. “Oh, what a beautiful ‘starter’ home you […]
  • 85%
     “You know, I just don’t know how I can do this anymore.” Thus began a challenging conversation I had with a coachie recently. He told me […]
  • The Not So Odd Couple …
    I first posted this blog at Christmas time in 2017. I’m reposting it here on the occasion of Gary Lane’s 73rd Birthday. As you’ll see … this […]
  • Sisters
    My two daughters were meeting a few years ago in NY. Neither had any idea what the other would be wearing. They look like twins here […]
  • Don’t Zoom … Touch
    There’s been quite a lot of commotion these days about the emergence of “Zoom.” A fabulous new technology actually. At the beginning of this year? Zoom […]
  • Relationship … “empty calories”
    Zoom!! “Why don’t we just do a Zoom call.” Today? Maybe 3, 4 times a day … I’m asked to have a Zoom call. With a […]
  • lingua franca …
    lingua franca … A bridge language, communication … linkage between two people connecting them. How people speaking two different languages can connect with one another. Without […]
  • A Friend …
    A few early morning musings today. These always surprise me.  Not only because they show up. But more because they are so vivid … compelling. Anyway. […]
  • Relationships
    Yesterday I read an eighty year study at Harvard on “happiness.” Involved a couple of thousand men, women. What makes one happy? Riches … accomplishments … […]
  • Bars, Planes and Barbershops …
    What could I possibly mean by these? Well, I’ve decided to act, behave differently every time I sit at a bar, fly on a plane or […]
  • My “Runaway” Friends …
    “Runaway” friends? What could I possibly mean by that?! Friends I’ve fought with … who left me?! Maybe because I was mean to them or maybe […]
  • The Value of Friends …
    Even though the words that follow are not my own. They could not be more descriptive of my relationship with my great friend George Bird … […]
  • “Leaving” Someone…
    We all at one time have had a challenging, uncomfortable, even toxic relationship with another person. A colleague at work. An old, difficult friend. Or yes, […]
  • The Not So Odd Couple…
    Gary and me. The Not So Odd Couple? … not odd at all. We’ve known each other for a long time. But have really gotten closer […]
  • The Crystal Vase…
    If you’ve read a number of the posts in this Blog, you’ve gathered that relationships… love of people is my passion. I’m asked, “Where did you […]
  • Humility…
    A great man reaches highest whenhe reaches down to help another man up. I grew up on the Main Line in Philadelphia. Don’t say “Oh!” like […]
  • Peter…
    Harvard came out with a 72yr study recently. “1 Secret to a Fulfilling Life ” What did they conclude? The secret?… Love. 72 years, one word, […]
  • Thoughts on Love…
    1 Corinthians 16:14 … Let all things you do be done in love… I was once told, “Did you know you cannot love a person?” “Oh? […]
  • We’re Living in… Righteousness?
    We are so polarized today aren’t we. Politics, relationships, what to have for dinner tonight. The flood of information, its’ speed of delivery has made us […]
  • Everybody’s Got a Story…
    I often have breakfast at the Ok Cafe. Great breakfast place near my home. I was with a “friend”of mine (I have no clients, only friends). […]
  • You Never Know Who’s Swimming Naked…
    … until the Tide goes out. This is a phrase I’ve used numerous times when deflection, confusion, untruths surface… abound. In a marriage, a business deal, […]
+ Experiences


  • A Symmetry … Unexpected
    Oh, how easy is it to slip into! “Woe is me” The “Why me” syndrome! But you know, it’s actually easier to step away. Look at […]
  • “Stories”
    “God created man because He loved stories.” And everybody has one. Like the young woman above. Just a face in a crowd? No, just someone with […]
  • Oh my … what a Reunion!
    Above: Back row left … Ralfie; Jake; Jack; Willy; Ralf  Middle row … Brett and Sam Front row … Nancy; Lisa; Payson … Photographer; PopPop! Where […]
  • Christmas Story… Ebenezer and Friends
    I was reading a book this morning that opened with a horrific account of the author experiencing an almost life ending accident at school. Hit with […]
  • Tradition!
    In the highly acclaimed play, “Fiddler on the Roof,” Tevye the milkman (picture above) played by Zero Mostel cries out, … “Tradition! Tradition! “ In the presence of danger? How […]
  • Good Bye
    I just left a funeral for a beautiful eighteen month child who lived in our neighborhood. An acute illness took her from us one night last […]
  • XXI Onward
    In 2002… 1. It took an average of 12.5 minutes to download a song on a 56k modem, and it took 16 seconds for a web […]
  • Pitching
    “You’re going to be a pitcher.” I can still remember those words. My father’s words at my age 7. Like most dads, whether he wanted to […]
  • It’s No Secret …
    I reconnected with my coach yesterday. He’s always got something new or something we return to that has added impact on my personal growth. He asked […]
  • As I Age …
    As I age, continue to mature, grow older. There are reflections  Bits of changes in my personal behavior, I find make my  life much more rewarding. […]
  • Graduation
    Those of you who have experienced a child or grandchild graduating from high school will relate here. This will recount my remembrance of my granddaughter Payson’s […]
  • Runaway “Paradox”
    No I’m not running away. And I’m not referring to Del Shannon’s popular ‘70s song, “Run, Run, Run Away.” I’m talking here about one magical place, […]
  • Duty as Joy
    I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was duty. I worked—and behold, duty was joy. This beautiful quote from […]
  • Ocean
    Vast … shimmering … always active. But soothingly so. A gorgeous, sparkling blue. This is the ocean. In all it’s wonderment.
  • Welcome to Amazing Express belongs in “Experiences” Refile to “Experiences”
    Relationships between people? Are primary of course. But between you and “service providers?” These are important too, aren’t they. You know. Your pharmacy. Your lawn care […]
  • Sports “Buzz”
    In April … I wrote about the travails of a losing professional sports team. The energy drain … the sadness. That spreads through a city when […]
  • Just So Proud! ❤️
    See this guy? That’s what I’m doing right now … celebrating! I don’t think I’ve ever felt more proud in my life than I’ve felt this […]
  • 11,000 Reasons …
    … why I won’t be playing Bobby Jones Golf Course again. Ever again. I have neuropathy in my right foot. Walking a golf course? Any long […]
  • Writing …
    George Andrews … a very dear friend, shared these messages with me back in April. I revisited them this morning and wanted to save them so […]
  • My 75th Birthday …
    I’ve always known that writing memorializes experiences, people, events that define a life lived. Joys, sorrows, victories, defeats. All the things that make up the human […]
  • The Fahey Cup
    The following is a revision … a reprint of a post from 2017. The “Fahey Cup” lives on. We will gather to celebrate our 20th “Fahey” […]
  • Private School
    I went to an all boys school. A private school. The William Penn Charter School in Philadelphia. My mom and dad weren’t wealthy. So there were […]
  • Thanksgiving 2019
    A dear friend of mine sent this to me last night. At this special time, please take a little time … to embrace the “space between […]
  • Reciprocity
    Back and forth … back and forth … back and forth.Reciprocal things. A metronome. A swaying branch on a tree. A swing. An unforgettable, repeating melody.So […]
  • A Moment …
    Friends ask every once in awhile, “Are you Ok?” Think I’m nuts when I write about some things. This may be one. But just me. Here […]
  • Annie …
    I find things that converge together for me often. It happened again this morning when I was directed … randomly … to a Ted Talk on […]
  • North Wayne Avenue …
    A distant remembrance of the guys above flashed to my mind this morning. Memories from my childhood. Nugget and Dusty at the home of my grandparents […]
  • LLWS
    It’s a rare gift when you get an hour, even a day with your grandchildren. But when you have three days? Well … just a blast! […]
  • The Bird’s Nest
    A friendship. One seeded in college. But it really sprouted five years ago. With a Diet Coke in Wilmington. DE, A three hour conversation and we […]
  • Every Saturday?! Really?!


  • Faith for Teens
    I’ve mentioned I have five grandchildren. They’re always a wonder, such a joy. A fleeting but constant thought I’ve had? How can I help them learn […]
  • What a great time,
    “What a great time,”A simple phrase Nancy and I share when being with another couple. Hard to find two people you both like. Sound familiar. Usually […]
  • “Surprising” Maine …
    We all have friendships. Those you have had for awhile. New ones. Maybe you’ve moved, retired somewhere or just met some friends along the way. Friends are […]
  • “Eighth Grade”
    I believe we all get messages… I call them “whispers.” Instinctive flashes of thought that most of us ignore, rarely act upon. Call them messages from […]
  • Cobblestone Romance…
    Italy… 2018. Check out the impassioned words of our exceptional guide Mario Marcosano as Nancy and I journeyed through southern Italy last week …“Ladies and gentlemen. […]
  • This 4th… Let Your Freedom Ring
    Independence Day. Martin Luther King said, “From every mountainside… Let freedom ring.” Indeed our uniqueness is rooted in this very concept. Let freedom ring!I would ask […]
  • The “Mangy Dog” Chronicles
    May 21-25, 2018 Have you ever had one of those magical weeks? You know six or seven days in a row when everything just clicks? Like […]
  • Note to My Audience…
    Technology rears it’s ugly head periodically. My Blog does not escape this reality. Those interested will notice a change in the format of the Blog. The “Theme” […]
  • The Blue Ridge Grille
    If coffee beans in Brazil are sold for $.20 pound … but a cup of coffee on the Ponte Vecchio in Florence, Italy costs $20 …What’s […]
  • A Million Reasons …
    Nick Foles, the MVP of this year’s unique Super Bowl following the Eagles victory over the Patriots said this. “I never would be here if it […]
  • The Christmas Letter
    For the last 19 years I have written a letter at Christmas to my family. I share the 19th with you here.FAITHFaith is trust, assurance and […]
  • My Wonderful Week …
    Catharsis … providing psychological relief through theopen expression of strong emotions. This past week was a unique one for me. Cathartic… unexpectedly. It’s true… cathartic. What […]
  • Houston? We have an Opportunity…
    The following with some revision on my part was sent to me this week by a friend. Beautiful. Inspired by tragedy… immersed in love. As the […]
  • “Living” Insurance …
    I have been in and around the life insurance industry for decades… almost five. A noble calling in my experience. A career in life insurance despite […]
  • After 40 Posts… Time to Reflect
    On this Independence Day… reflecting seems so fitting.So here goes…I launched my blog… “The Space Between the Notes” in October of last year. 40 posts later, […]
  • “Surprise” Birthday
    Events will come to me periodically that I feel are worth sharing. You may benefit from the following because our lives are parallel in so many […]
  • It’s Not Just Lunch …
    There’s an article in the Wall Street Journal this morning entitled, Going Out to Lunch is a Dying Tradition. As one cited, “I put going out […]
  • Pine Valley 2017 … A Reprise
    The term, “experience of a lifetime” may be overused when describing a trip, or event you don’t forget. You know … just a great time. This […]
  • Four “Daze” on Harbor Island…
    A few weeks ago I told a friend of mine I was taking my girls to Harbor Island. Just the four of us. Most I’d told […]
  • 46 in 1
    Nancy and I just celebrated 46 yrs of marriage. Incredible years filled with the joys of shared experiences, children, grandchildren. Just so many magical remembrances. Of […]
  • The “White” Driver and a 46th Wedding Anniversary…
    Three years ago during an all employee meeting at Taylor Made Golf Equipment, the CEO asked the crowd of hundreds, “Would anyone like to share an […]
  • The Fahey Cup
    Last night Nancy and I attended the Annual Meeting of Ansley Golf Club here in Atlanta. A special place for our family. The meeting was electric… […]
  • D’ya ever see a dead man fall out of a window?”
    My grandfather was accomplished. Above all he was a real character. Many Sunday’s “Pop” would drive from his apartment in Germantown, Philadelphia to our home in […]
  • Sandbags for Christmas…
    Ebenezer Scrooge. Shows up every Christmas. Stooped over… grimaced face… angry, oh so angry. A life of greed, contempt, unhappiness. Even hate. He’s familiar to us.In […]
  • The Time your “Light’ went on …
    contributor Vic Beasley was a consensus all American linebacker at Clemson University in 2013, 2014. He was a the first round draft pick of the Atlanta Falcons […]
  • A Gift at Christmas… Al Bailey
    Al Bailey’s my newspaper guy. For 26yrs he has delivered my morning paper. 5:15am every morning, double wrapped rain or shine. Has never missed! Al’s amazing. […]
  • ——–, and The Essence of Heart
    tunnel I have a friend. Call her, “——-, my Belle (old Beatles tune) for the sake of anonymity. I sent this to her this morning. I […]
  • The Song… “It Was a Very Good Year.” Remember?
    contributor “It Was a Very Good Year” For those who can remember… the melodious tones of Frank Sinatra. A very good year. What was your best […]
+ Wisdom


  • Touch of Wisdom from CS Lewis (1948)
    “On Living in an Atomic Age” (1948) in Present Concerns: Journalistic Essays It’s now clear that COVID-19 is a deadly serious global pandemic, and all necessary […]
  • Wisdom from Ben Franklin
    The quote below should remind us all that we have a choice at key moments in time.To see either a rising or a setting sun. Our […]
  • We’re Reaping What We’ve Sown
    Maybe you like me are exhausted hearing about Millennials and Generation Zs congregating in groups … world wide. Spreading what now is the widest infections of […]
  • Wisdom
    What is wisdom? While the definition my be elusive, we usually know it when we see it. Don’t we. Typically, my “older” friends come across as […]
  • Wisdom in the 90s
    The death of George H.W. Bush this passed weekend hit me unexpectedly hard. As I meditated this morning, I realized why. Bush’s oldest son Neil said, yesterday, […]
  • The Opposite of Love…
    If you asked someone, “What’s the opposite of Love?” The normal reply, “Hate”. I ask this question frequently, and I get the same reply, “Hate”. Richard Jampolsky […]
  • We All Have Mental Issues… Here’s Why
    The New York best seller, I’ve Been Thinkin’ by Maria Shriver is a thought provoking collection of short chapters detailing the lessons she has learned during […]
  • Take Responsibility…
    Chris Andersonn has coached me for over 20 years. He lives in California. I live in Georgia. We talk for an hour… hour and a half… […]
  • “And did you get all you wanted from this life, even so?”
    This beautiful quote from a poem by Robert Frost is thought provoking. The symmetry of the verse challenges you and comforts you at the same time. […]
  • Don’t Fear Alone Time …
    I’ve become very nocturnal. Love the very early part of a new day. In bed early. Get 7 hours of sleep every night. Clock just awakes […]
  • Our Fleeting Values …
    Where have they gone? Our values that is … our courtesies, our basic sense of respect, just plain decency. Our college campuses give me the most […]
+ Coachings


  • “And It Found Us” …
    Tomorrow is the 4th of July. The true opening of the second half of a year. Perhaps you like me set personal goals for 2024. You […]
  • Nip It in the Bud …
    There have been so many times I’ve avoided dealing with an issue or problem. You know … just put things off. This has rarely served me […]
  • The Boys …
    See these three guys? They are the triplet sons of my daughter Lisa and husband Ralf. They turn age twenty-one this Thursday, June 13th. We will […]
  • D-Day … A Perspective …
    “A society grows great when old men plant trees … In whose shade they will never sit.” —- Greek Proverb I planted this tree in front […]
  • Fear Not …
    This seemed like a good  piece to write just after this year’s Masters. Some of  the specifics here might be slightly off. But the message is […]
  • Three Audiences …
    Maybe like you, my “train” … the speed I move through life continues to accelerate. It used to be my “train” chugged up the hill like […]
  • Geese and Mosquitoes …
    Where in God’s name did this come from?! Well, I really can’t tell you, exactly. Just one of those “firefly” ideas of mine that flickered by […]
  • Your “Acorn” …
    “Mighty oaks from little acorns grow.” … right? I left my home of thirty six years, Philadelphia in 1981 to take on the task of rebuilding […]
  • A Minute
    How many times have you heard … “It’ll only take a minute.” (False) “Be back to you in a minute.” (Usually false) “Wait a minute!” (Maybe) […]
  • Value Before Price
    An experience this morning … a “firefly” really. Showed up unexpectedly. A great friend offered his premiere, 4th Row seats, behind home plate at a Braves […]
  • Messages …
    An honest admission. After posting this piece, I had a feeling it was simply? … too much about me. Self serving in a way. Some who […]
  • Experiences
    Memories… memorable things. Gifts? Money? Autos you’ve owned? Ok. You can search your memory for these. Retrieve them after some thought. But then there are thoughts you won’t […]
  • AWDs
    Hmm… The little guy here looks a little quizzical, doesn’t he. That’s because he knows that so much of what we intend to do… actually never gets […]
  • Try Now and Next
    Norman Lear is the genius creator of several fabulous television series. “All in the Family”; “Maude”; “The Jefferson’s” among his best. In an interview a few […]
  • The Weakest Pencil Stroke …
    I’m asked often. “Bob, how do you remember all that stuff? You always seem to be so well organized.” Frankly, I don’t remember it all. But […]
  • How to be Memorable
    This is Gracie. My darling golden doodle. From the first time I saw her, she’s never forgot me. I never forget her. But people are different. […]
  • Success
    There may be no word more discussed, a life experience more ardently pursued, planned for… than success. Whatever the endeavor. Succeeding is in play. Always the […]
  • Try this…
    Try this. The next time someone is “of service” to you. You know. A flight attendant, a waiter or waitress. Or a check out gal at […]
  • LIV ing Without Tradition …
    This is Greg Norman. They call him “The Shark.” Appropriate handle for this guy. More on him later. And I acknowledge my opinion may not be […]
  • Uncovering …
    We’ve all dreamed, “What if.” “What if I left this job?” Or. “If only I’d invested in ___ ? “What if.”  So many possibilities. Just dreams? […]
  • Truth and Conflict
    I had a revealing session with a coachie the other day. He was telling me how conscious he was about “telling the truth” … always. “Always?” […]
  • Live Your Life!
    There is a condition today … a malady really that just sprung to my mind I had to write about. This is an emotional purging of […]
  • The Night 98 Turned 68 …
    I have a very dear friend, Mary. Could write quite a piece about her. But this will have to wait for later. That’s Mary on the […]
  • On Writing Well …
    Writing is revealing what’s inside of us. Writing is a process in which we discover what lives in us. The writing itself reveals to us what […]
  • The “Second Question”
    Here’s a short piece that I think can make a difference …Full disclosure her. I live in Atlanta. But I grew up in Philadelphia. On the […]
  • The “Vomit” Memo …
    Kind of a weird title, huh. Really no other way to describe it. “”Vomiting” is as close as I can come to describing this. Let me […]
  • Margin
    Margin A behavioral edge that can be the difference between win or loss. Competency or inadequacy … Here is one of the most impactful teachings I […]
  • Discipline …
    DISCIPLINE Orderly or prescribed conduct; anorganized pattern of behavior;  Self control. One of the most important characteristics of successful people I’ve worked with over decades? Discipline. […]
  • 1.1.21 … Try Now and Next
    Norman Lear is the genius creator of a number of fabulous television series.  “All in the Family”; “Maude”; “The Jefferson’s” among his best. He was interviewed […]
  • Today’s Paradoxes … from 2010
    Here’s a list of paradoxes we all are all living with today. (author unknown) Wow! Cited ten years ago! Did these ever foreshadow then what we’re […]
  • A “Merry” Christmas …
    The definition of “merry” … cheerful and lively. This year? Well, maybe not so much. We’ve been knocked off course. We may feel a little more sullen, gloomy […]
  • It’s About Time …
    What if you could go back in time and relive a day, or a week in your life … where would you go? To an unforgettable […]
  • The Lens …
    Life is like a movie playing before your eyes.  Sounding in your ears. Senses … that serve as a lens that focuses our perception of what’s […]
  • Zoom … Bust
    Zoom! Here we go. Hooray! No more office space to pay for! Increased productivity! Commuting … out! All the savings. All that increased revenue! But alas, […]
  • When You’re Down …
    We all get down at times. Some of us (actually quite a few of us) have suffered from depression or other form of mental illness. But […]
  • Words Matter… But
    Horror … Evil … Catastrophe … all words that knife through the hearts of us all. Today another incident in Florida brings these words front and […]
  • Resonance
    Have you ever had someone walk in a room and suddenly there’s silence? Have you ever conversed with someone and found them absolutely spellbinding? I have. […]
  • You’re 3x5s …
    It’s taken me some time to learn that coaching is far more art than science. Hard to mechanize, structure. Three I coach currently have been with […]
  • New Year? … New Beginnings
    Gratitude, expectation, resolution. A time to begin anew… birth new ways if living, explore new possibilities. So vivid with hope. And always faced as well with […]
  • Weaknesses the Secret to Success
    If the ax is dull and one does not sharpen the edge,then he must use more strength; but wisdom brings success.Ecclesiastes 10:10I’ve always been a devotee […]
  • A Great Contradiction…
    I have long been deeply concerned. No actually shocked at the erosion of our value system as a free and prosperous people today. Values and principles […]
  • Out Into the Ether …
    Simply, this means. Something that disappears into nothing. I’ve attended hundreds of meetings in my life. Business, personal. When someone is asked why they hate meetings? […]
  • The Deeper You’ve Been …
    … the higher you go. This is actually something most of you may already know. What do I mean by “Deeper?” Abraham Lincoln, Oprah Winfrey, Bobby […]
  • Character… Unveils
    We all like to believe we’re a “person of character.” Right? I’m not one to cite others failings, flaws. Like you I hope I give others […]
  • The Emotional Risk …
    I’ve coached some big guys in my day. CEOS… entrepreneurs.They have gotten where they are by taking risks. Usually well calculated, but not always. Financially, career […]
  • Failure? Phooey!!
    I truly love the great people I have the privilege of coaching. They all want to grow. They’re “seekers.” Curious about themselves, others. Success to them? […]
  • “What a Coincidence!”
    I hear this a lot. You too? “Oh, what a coincidence!” You know the person you see in the grocery store you were just thinking about. […]
  • Windshield and Rearview Mirror…
    The mind can be a tricky. We look forward and we look backward. What’s in front of us. What’s in back of us. Both are important.Consider […]
  • Pleasing… Rarely Works
    As a coach, I deal with the full range of human emotions… challenging situations we all find ourselves in at different times.“He does this.” “She does […]
  • Life and the Staircase…
    I chose this illustration for my Blog to depict the path or journey I find so many on today. The stairs. Firm and clear at the bottom. […]
  • Accountability
    AccountabilityTaking responsibility for something that youhave done or something you are supposed to do.Or more simply… doing what you say you will do. I have lived […]
  • The Deep Pool Within…
    Sight … hearing … smell … taste and touch. Our five senses. Today is fast. A blur at times. When do we pause! Stop to savor […]
  • The Retirement Myth
    Retirement is a myth. I’ve engaged with execs, business owners, even a few friends. Coaching them as they move from a career, a new phase of […]
  • 14 Don’ts of Highly Effective People
    Years ago Stephen Covey wrote a groundbreaking book elevating the concept of personal growth. “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” Here are “14 Don’ts of […]
  • Illusions…
    Magicians are experts at the art of creating illusions. You may be too. With a friend, a person at work, your spouse. I certainly used to […]
  • Your “Light” …
    Have you ever experienced times when you’re really in the “Zone”? When you were truly energized, at your very best… just on? Great eye contact with […]
  • “Blind Spots”
    I once worked with a super sales guy. Led his Company in sales most years. Three homes… the big Mercedes… ego galore. You didn’t have to […]
  • A Pencil Beats the Memory… Every Time
    One thing I’ve always been good at … not letting ideas, thoughts, memories disappear, forgotten, never to be recaptured. My mantra? The weakest pencil stroke is […]
  • Our Future… the “Internal Universe”
    Our world today is in chaos. Our politics, our resources, the Global order. The lives of so many people all over the world are in complete […]
  • Why Coaching?
    “Why do I need a coach?” I’m asked this question all the time. Well, if things are going along “swimmingly”… you may not need a coach. […]
  • The Chasm and the Veil….
    Risk. I have found the greatest risk in life is… investing? starting a business? betting a bunch at Vegas? No. The greatest risk in life is […]
  • Passion… Confidence… Determination
    For the past seventeen years I have written “The Christmas Letter” to my family. It started as one of those travelogues, those look at us kind […]
  • “I’ve Got Enough” …
    Jack Bogle is the legendary pioneer and founder of Vanguard… one of the largest asset gathers in the world. Jack was wealthy. But far more humble. […]
  • Critical… Your Mental Screen
    A newborn… so precious. Equally as exhausting. Right? … for those new parents out there? A baby’s thought process? Very simple. Stimulus… response. Eat, sleep, poop. […]
  • Speed Can Kill… But now Slow Down.
    contributor My last Post?… Speed is a problem. But paradoxically, the best way to grow personally, professionally? Is to Slow down. Fred Couples, the beloved pro […]
  • Speed… Can Kill !!
    contributor Welcome to “The Space Between the Notes”… Post # 1 In an airport… a restaurant… walking on a sidewalk. What do we see? People on […]
  • Welcome!
    Frank Sinatra was once asked late in his career, “Mr Sinatra, your music has been so dynamic, so captivating for so many for so long. Is […]
  • Spaces Between the Notes…??
    contributor A great friend of mine asked me yesterday, “Bob, what do you mean by ‘The Space Between the Notes’?” Some of you may be asking […]


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