• Through relationships ... we discover the true power of purpose.
  • Purpose and laughter ... each is empty without the other.
  • God created man because he loved stories.
  • Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength  
  • The greatest gift I ever gave my kids … was allowing them to succeed or fail on their own.
  • Too much sun makes a desert
  • Bob Brickley
    Success is a lousy teacher.
    Bob Brickley
  • Bob Brickley
    People don’t lead people … purposes do.
    Bob Brickley
  • Bob Brickley
    Change is a choice … not a matter of capacity.
    Bob Brickley
  • Bob Brickley
    Procrastination is opportunity’s natural assassin.
    Bob Brickley
  • Bob Brickley
    Nervous … when your deodorant and your mouthwash fail you the same time.
    Bob Brickley
  • Bob Brickley
    Most of us go to our graves with our music still inside us.
    Bob Brickley
  • Bob Brickley
    When we all think alike, no one thinks much.
    Bob Brickley
  • Bob Brickley
    You can’t talk your way out of something you behaved your way into.
    Bob Brickley
  • Bob Brickley
    The great man reaches highest when he reaches down to help another man up.
    Bob Brickley
  • Bob Brickley
    You cannot change something you refuse to acknowledge.
    Bob Brickley
  • Bob Brickley
    Forgiveness is letting go of a past that can’t be changed.
    Bob Brickley
  • Bob Brickley
    Live every day like it’s your last … and one day you’ll be right.
    Bob Brickley
  • Bob Brickley
    You can’t solve today’s problems with yesterday’s solutions.
    Bob Brickley
  • Bob Brickley
    He who focuses on hating his enemies … swims in his own poison.
    Bob Brickley
  • Bob Brickley
    Love is when another’s happiness is more important than your own.
    Bob Brickley
  • Bob Brickley
    What is love? … All You Need.
    Bob Brickley

Bob has lived in three cities. Built a business in each.
He’s always been a leader. You will see this when you read his writings.
He began writing his blog, The Space Between the Notes in 2016. Its purpose? To connect you with events, stories and lessons Bob has experienced over a career dedicated to helping people grow.

His passion has always been to assist others in achieving their personal and professional goals. Inspire each one of them to wonder what can be. Live a life that’s aligned with their personal value system. Have positive impact on others during a lifetime of pursuits.
It’s all about the ‘soft stuff.’ The pauses we take before making those important decisions in life … heeding the “spaces between the notes.”

Personal Growth

Relationships. Between partners in business, husbands and wives, all of us. Nourishing relationships are a key aspect of the human condition.

Personal growth fuels healthy relationships. Personal growth begins by truly knowing yourself and being aware of those things you need to change in order to grow.
You cannot change something you are not first clearly aware of. Clarity leads one to more positive decision making.
Bob puts it this way,
“Personal awareness is the first step in taking true responsibility for your life. Then it’s all about execution. Everything in life begins with … is eventually, all about you.”

Growing is a process; not an event. Change is difficult. Only through disciplined focus over time can one reach more deeply within themselves. Discover that their life is more than they think. So much to uncover. So much available to find fulfillment beyond the ordinary.

Life is difficult. It takes courage to open oneself. Seek guidance.
The rewards can be many. But in the final resolve … positive change is a choice. Not a matter of capacity.

Life’s like a staircase …
One step at time. 


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