
January 27, 2022

The Gun in the Drawer …

We’ve all heard the phrase “idle” threats. Whether your raising a child or training a dog … these don’t work. I’ve worked with business leaders who […]
January 5, 2022


We experience numerous cycles in our lives. We can’t manage anything, change anything without first acknowledging it. Acknowledging, being aware of where we are located as […]
December 31, 2021


“A day without laughter is a day lost.” Is it possible to have tears of laughter and sadness at the same time?  For sure in me … […]
December 28, 2021


He’s unique. Simply one of a kind. I’ve known him for over twenty years. Have sat in the first row watching him take on all comers […]
December 5, 2021

Music …

This is a revisit of a post written last December following a magical evening with “The Fab Four” … above. At the Atlanta Symphony. Look at […]
November 21, 2021

The Kid …

Decisions. Those points in time that define your life. We are all the product of the decisions you make. For sure. Analyzing, rationalizing facts, weighing the […]
November 11, 2021

The Distribution Phase

 The following piece was written for a book I’m writing. CONNECTIONS will take the reader through my lifetime experiences. Those messages and learning I’m committed to […]
November 5, 2021

“Brave” Connection

A slight break in the action to capture a “firefly” moment I must share with you.   I’m viewing the celebration … a parade, and a concert […]
November 1, 2021

Events and People … Pass

… but the emotions never die. THE WORLD SERIES has come to Atlanta!! I was watching the recap of the Braves stunning third win last night over […]