Her energy is infectious … her love for her family? Unwavering. Her personality? More to follow. When she speaks? Well, let me just say. I never knew there were that many words in the English language.
Nancy and I haven’t known Mary and her husband Dan Schaefer for long. So, regret we didn’t meet decades ago. But have we ever so connected today! Mary “sparks” our relationship. All the fun we have. If energy was electricity? She’d be an electrical grid!
She’s been a nurse, a salesperson, an entrepreneur. And I’m sure a lot of other roles I don’t know about. I’ll bet Villanova University will never forget her.
I’ve always admired people like Mary who have wide “boundaries.” They’re always curious. Seeking new things.
“Oh, that’s so interesting.”
“Let’s go to Serenbe! … Palm Beach! … Hilton Head! … Greenville! … the MOON!!”
Her credo … “Why not! Let’s go for it!”
Simply, Mary Schaefer lives life.
You want to tussle with her … verbally, intellectually? Put your seat belt on.
“Oh, that’s not right.”
“No … you have to remember.”
“Forget it!”
“Yeah … been there.”
Very hard to stump her … she has opinions. A lot of ‘em. Want to know where she stands on something? Get ready. Here it comes. Or just ask her. Remember what I said about the dictionary.
But mostly, l love, just so love. How much she loves her “bestie” … my Nancy. They’re a perfect match. Like the old “EF Hutton” commercial … “When Mary talks, Nancy listens.”
Both are so stylish. “Clothes horses” … really. Their homes are showplaces. Beautiful, beautiful ladies both. Refined. Smart. Could Dan and I have better gals on our arms? No way!
I said there’d be more on Mary’s personality.
But actually? I want to reflect on some of what I’ve learned about her value system.
Her faith in God is at the center of who she is … all she is. Everything she does. She trusts Him fully.
This releases Mary to be vulnerable. Open. Makes our being with her so vibrant. So much fun!
Her love for others? Moves her to serve reach out to others wherever she can.
Kind of a “If not us, who? If not now, when?” philosophy.
Mary, with Dan, is so lovingly dedicated to her family.
Josh, Lizzy, Mary Farris, and Ted. Gifts from God. Dan’s warm smile whenever one of his grandchildren are mentioned.
Amanda. Those pictures of her as a child, as an equestrian. Hearing her play the piano. Witnessing her amazing path into the medical profession. And then there is the epic trip to China when Dan and Mary brought Amanda home. Courageous.
What a blessing …
Lastly, there’s Tes. Mary’s mother. She lives with them now. But even when she didn’t, I’ve watched Mary include her in everything. Family visits, gatherings, places, events they went to. Mom was always with them, with her family.
Tes is ninety-eight.
In a society today when so many parents, grandparents are a burden, neglected … Mary’s love for her mother has always impressed me so. May define her more for me than anything else.
Her loyalty, her caring for her mom. Is unusual, unique.
And … “Hey! We’re just getting started!!” Wonder who says this … a lot!
What a gift.
Happy Birthday, Mary!