A behavioral edge that can be the
difference between win or loss.
Competency or inadequacy …
Here is one of the most impactful teachings I pass on to my all my coachies..
Those who come to me for help have a lotta guts. It’s not easy to open yourself up to someone you don’t know that well. But vulnerability and trust are kissin’ cousins. Share and learn. Converse with another and you will grow. If trust can be built early between a coachie and me, we’re usually “off to the races.”
But with them all, there’s always a sense of doubt, sometimes even hurt. A feeling of in some way being “lesser than.” They ask, “Why can’t I be happier? Like myself more?” There are varying degrees of this. But these thoughts surface often
So what about “Margin?”
Many years ago I went to my dermatologist for some skin cancer removal. “Mr. Brickley, if the margins are clear, we know the cancer is gone.” Made me think.
If the margins are clear. Might be great coaching lesson?
We are all God’s children. He has imbued in each of us the need, desire to live our lives well. A life our heart desires. At our core, 85 to 90% of you/me is solid. Good. Fully able to fully take on life’s challenges. As a coach, I don’t help them remake themselves. It’s never about overhaul. It’s about refinement, polishing. Just tuning the “engine.” It’s all about the “margin.”
I’ll spend four, five hours early on getting to know a coachie. From family background to career … from key relationships to the personal values. All of it. In truth, in 100% of the cases, I conclude and share this. “I have some great news for you. You’re going to be an easy one for me. 90% of you is Ok. Just fine.” I love the sense of relief. Added confidence in their faces when I tell them this.
I continue …
Coaching you is a lot like music. You can buy very good music today for a few hundred dollars. $300? $500 perhaps. And you get … maybe 85% of it. But if you want that last 15%? It’ll cost you $5000. That marginal, extra difference is special. Something only a trained ear will savor. The margin here … makes a huge difference.”
Margins in us amplify who we really are. To make my point. Think of a flickering flame. If you fan it, a full fire follows. If you make small changes, marginal changes in you … like fire … they will spread through all of you.
Lastly, I think of sports. I’m reminded of the year Matt Ryan, the Falcons star quarterback underperformed. Everything about him looked fine. What happened? During the off season he discovered his footwork when passing was just slightly off. After a small marginal adjustment? Good result. A little more confidence? Matt followed with the his best year ever.
Behaviors … discipline … clarity of purpose … values. So many issues that make up the person in front of me. It’s about refining these. Taking the time to find that little extra. That added 15%. The margin makes all the difference.
And when we do? It’s like watering a beautiful plant and watching it flourish.
By addressing the margins. Growth follows… and then I just love seeing another blossom.