This may be an excellent way to begin knowing that you in large part create energy that drives most of your life. Find the frequency best for you. Just one way to harmonize the way you travel your life path. Think of life like a movie…
Life is like a movie playing before your eyes. And you get to write the script. That’s right. You write the script.
The network of energy… the focus of this book. Operates every second. Can you impact what happens each day? Can you “write” the script of what’s playing before your eyes? Yes.
A couple of examples to make my point here…
My first…
A friend of mine spent some time playing pro golf. His stroke average was only a half a shot less than the top twenty-five players on the PGA tour. Yet he was considered an “also ran.” He didn’t last a year.
When I asked him the difference between his game and Tour leaders, he replied… “Putting. I can get the ball tee to green with the best. It’s the putting that separates us.” He continued, “Take Tiger. Most of the players on tour? When they putt? They ‘hope’ the ball into the hole. Tiger ‘wills’ the ball into the hole.” It’s like he’s watching a movie of the ball going in the hole before he takes his stance to putt.
Part of Tiger’s magical lure. The world’s fascination with how he plays the game of golf. Tiger “wills” the ball into the hole. Tiger Woods writes his own “script.” An aura of energy surrounds him. Muhammad Ali… Michael Jordan. Larger than life figures who through their sheer force of will, and determination, wrote their own “script.” And yes, to a great extent, they “control” the network of energy around them. They see the “movie” right in front of them before they execute.
My second example…
Maybe less grand than the first, but no less illustrative of my point. My granddaughter is a very determined young lady. At age ten, she was playing bingo at the club our family belongs to. There were twenty-five or so players in the room. She was the youngest by far. I watched her as each number was called. Struck by the intensity of her gaze, I asked her, “Are you okay, honey?” She looked up and replied, “PopPop, I’m going to win.” She returned to her gaze. As the numbers were called, I noticed she didn’t blink. Her stare was stunning.
She won three of four games. At ten years of age, her “script” was clear to her. She focused on her “movie.” No way was she going to lose.
And you say?
Oh my God, Bob. Are you kidding me?! That was nothing more than a coincidence. You’ve lost it. Maybe. Maybe not.
Ok, but my experience has proven to me the presence of my own “script” … written for good or bad. I used to do a lot of public speaking. Energy was so defining of how my talks went. It was the barometer I used to tell me how I did.
In the public speaking world, there is a term called “pin drop.”If you want to take the temperature on how a talk is going? Pause in the middle for a couple of seconds… and listen. Are feet shuffling? Can you see some in your audience on their phones? Maybe even a few walking out? Or can you feel a stillness? A total lack of movement in the crowd. All eyes on you. If it’s the latter… you’ve achieved “pin drop.” If a pin dropped in row fifteen, you would hear it.
My “pin drop” speeches would end with applause… many times standing. The movie playing before my eyes? Equal to an Academy Award winner. Those absent “pin drop?” Usually polite applause. “B” movie playing here at best.
I simply felt like I wrote the script. Controlled the energy in the room.
Stick with me. The “movie” I attempt to create here for you has just started. So much more to follow. The network of energy that magically connects us all is at work at this moment. Enjoy your movie.
Well, I have seen you putt.
My movie is an award winner and your friendship would be listed in the credits at the end 😊🥂🙏
Merry and blessed Christmas to you and yours… 🎄🎄😍