There’s the old adage …
If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it …
does it make a sound?
I was at the dentist last week. I’ve had the same hygienist for years. She’s pretty, fun. Good at what she does. I asked her, “On a scale of of 1-10, how are you doing?” … “Oh, about a 6 or 7.” Felt a sense of sadness in her, but I didn’t pursue this further. Then she said, “Mr B? I have a note clipped inside my purse. You told me five years ago, ‘Life is like a movie playing before your eyes … and you get to write the script.’ I read your note every day. Thank you.”
Whatever you choose to do during a day … morning, noon or night. Whatever the time. At any moment. You never know … the reach, the impact of your actions. Just little things you think about, talk about, choose to do.
All these “feed” you. Like the food you eat. Your thoughts, your actions, the decisions you make determine the quality of a day. “How did your day go?” Such a common question we ask one another at day end. What did we do with our day? How do I feel about the day past?
Truly, we do lots of things. To make a living. Please a boss. To satisfy ourselves that we matter. But the greatest satisfaction of all? Comes when we impact someone else. Without expectation of payback or return. The amazing thing about helping, impacting another? It’s the greatest gift of all. A real purpose our lives should honor, appreciate most.
I’m a coach. As I look back on all those times I’ve asked, “How’d my day go?” I’ve treasured my days most when coaching, helping someone grow? Move beyond past hurts. Overcome their mental and spiritual obstacles. Interestingly, I’ve found I need not be formally engaged coaching to impact another. Like my hygienist above? Opportunities abound to reach out to someone. Impact their day, if only in some small way.
For years I traveled the country giving speeches. Preaching really. I thought this was a good way to reach the the largest number of people. Have the most impact. After all … my message was exceptional. Just ask me. Surely this would have a lasting effect on all in my audiences. Well, nice try.
The reality? Ninety percent of my audiences forgot 90% of my message sixty seconds after they walked out of the room. Speaking was always an ego boost. But fulfill my life’s mission to have impact and help people grow? Well … no.
I now work with eight great, loving people who are dedicated to growing personally. Who can deeply engage in achieving their life’s mission. Helping them, watching them awaken? This may happen during a long session. Or this can simply happen during a brief exchange or comment. A connection that moves them.
What’s more … they share what they learn, moves them to help, impact others. Share the learnings we’ve uncovered during our coaching process. On and on. A chain of relationships that extend growth and learning. Who knows how long the chain goes.
I’ve discovered when I coach one … more deeply? I impact ten others. Maybe hundreds. The chain of growth, knowledge sharing goes on and on. They leave me and tell others. Children, friends, business colleagues. You never know who. And all those speeches? They pale by comparison to the eight I coach today.
So, you see? That brief exchange with my dental hygienist actually had as much impact as a speech I’d delivered. No grand stage. No applause at the end. Just one young woman who today is doing a little better because she carries a small note in her purse.
You never know …