Peggy Lee was a famous songstress of the 1940s and ‘50s. Her most famous song was entitled, “Is That All There is.” The refrain in the song goes like this …
“Is that all there is, is that all there is
If that’s all there is my friends, then let’s keep dancing
Let’s break out the booze and have a ball
If that’s all there is.”
Is that all there is? Is this all there is? Let’s just break out the booze and have a ball. Is that it? Well maybe. But maybe not.
Brian is a successful sales guy. He has a beautiful young wife. Both are in their early thirties. Brian makes a great living. His wife Alice is a great operations person with a successful marketing company. I attended a reception for Alice’s company … many years ago. I met Brian. He told me had met with “someone like me” recently. This person had conducted an assessment of what he was currently doing and how it aligned with his future opportunities. His observation?
“Brian, you’re not just a sales guy. You’re a leader. You’re called to do something much larger. Build your own company. Join a start up. Move on to a next level in your career, your life.”
Brian looked me in the eye and said, “I’m a leader. What I’m doing now? Is this all there is?” Wow! Peggy Lee immediately popped into my mind. How many times had I met guys like Brian? Making great money. Wonderful marriage. Life is good. But then there’s that “itch.” A mild, or not so mild, frustration when maybe only subconsciously he asks himself, “Is this all there is?”
Nancy and I watched a great movie last night, “First Love.” At one poignant moment in the film, Ali, the main character looks into the eyes of her loving partner and says, “The heart gets whatever it wants … and nothing can stop it.”
The Brians in my world are not in charge. Their heart is. What they are truly called to is. Let me be clear. Brians are not common. Age is no issue. They can be 25. They can be 75. Most of us never acknowledge what our heart really wants. Oh, the energy, the message with every beat summons us to listen. But the primary thing that causes us to dismiss the call?
Fear. Our human tendency to avoid taking a risk. The emotional challenge to truly ask oneself, “Is this all there is?” Then answer the call. Do something about it.
Here’s what I told Brian.
“Brian, we all have a preferred future. A picture inside us of who we want to become. Our purpose in life. Why we are here. But visions like this are actually created twice. First in the mind and the spirit. But they only exist when they are put on paper, made tangible. What the outline of what your preferred future might contain?
It’s not important this be clear, accurate. It’s just a start. Raw material one needs to think about, pray about. Spend time trying to see the new path. A preferred future your heart may be leading you to. “The heart gets whatever it wants … and nothing can stop it.”
Brian stared at me. He was one of many I’d had similar conversations with. Some get it. Some don’t. Brain did. He asked me if I would help him move forward. His stare. What it told me? This guy gets it. Found another one who truly means business. Let’s go.
I made it very clear to Brian. I am only a guide. The responsibility for determining the path. Where he chooses to go is his responsibility. I make no decisions. I reflect him. His thoughts, desires. What he gives me. Coach him. Provide him with experiences I’ve had with others.
Brian did just that. He began creating his preferred future. His heart was beating a little faster as he did so. Building the architecture was underway. He was taking first steps down a new path. Taking the emotional risk so critical here.
“Is That All There is?” Is there an urge inside you to answer this question? It need not be building a business. Something too grand. It can be travel. A new hobby. Taking a course. But your preferred future lives inside you. Do you reach inside yourself to make it a reality? But Brian built that business. It’s flourishing. He and Alice have two beautiful children. Life isn’t without its challenges. But they are growing. Living a vibrant life together. This is what it is … what it should be.
They are responding to what their hearts want. And nothing can stop them.