Where in God’s name did this come from?! Well, I really can’t tell you, exactly. Just one of those “firefly” ideas of mine that flickered by this morning. Let me share my thoughts. I used to feel I lived in a world that reminded me of a flock of geese. Picture what comes to mind when you think of geese? Say thirty or as many as a hundred of them. Whether thirty or a hundred, I’ve watched them migrate south many times. You too? They always fly in an orderly formation. Usually in a well defined “V.”
So, what’s with me and a flock of geese. My life used to be more defined. Simpler. Like geese. There were three TV stations. NBC, ABC and CBS. Baseball, football and basketball. All played outside. Meals were usually at a table. Various parts of my life were easier to grasp, see. Like geese in flight. Things used to be clearer. More orderly. The direction and speed of my life felt natural. Slower. Geese fly in a “V” because the formation makes flight far more efficient. Each bird knows the drill. Their own role. In the past I always felt my plans were clearer. Knew more where I fit in. My role in things. Those in my world, “my flock,” seemed to join me in a more harmonious way of life. All felt better orchestrated. Like geese in a “V”
That was then …
Try this for now …
Bring on the swarm of mosquitoes! Like life today? Chaotic, unpredictable. Erratic. Entangled. Not like geese at all. In this case, hundreds … thousands of “bugs” seemingly clouding the sky. A hundred TV stations now. Games are still played. But on devices in bedrooms and basements. McDonalds, Doordash, “on the fly meals” have replaced those table gatherings. Self-interest is rampant. “It’s all about me. I’ve got all the answers.” The problem? Thousands and thousands of others are crying the same song. Living the same way. Like a swarm of mosquitoes. Drowning each other out. A cacophonous “buzz.” Lacking direction, order. Thousands, millions of us. Speeding through social media. Supposedly connecting with others. But only reaching the tops of their heads. Individual roles in all this? Just blurs. Righteousness ever present. “I’m right … your wrong!” No room for compromise. Whew! Just like a swarm of mosquitoes. Makes me long so for the “geese” of yesterday to return.
These are my worlds of yesterday and today. Mostly polar opposites. But then I think, neither of these worlds last. Then and now, both. They pass on. And I this is my consolation. I realize. God … yes, only He is in charge. I read the “Meditations of Marcus Aurelius” recently. Philosopher, Roman emperor from 161 to 180 AD. Listened to some of the great minds of today as well. Amazing the commonalities. And you know what I conclude? Every time has its “season.” Its own unique place in history. But like our seasons … “then and now” they are cyclical. Each time of life is born … each time of life dies. And then the cycle repeats. Only God is the constant. He commands us not only to take responsibility for ourselves. But to love and serve our fellow man. The greatest message of all. Live in faith. God always tells me, “I got this.”
Ok. So, I’ve lived with the geese. I’m living with the mosquitoes. In each case my response, my perspectives to both are what I control. Really nothing else. Pining for the good old days or complaining about the happenings today? Of no value. In fact, by accepting both of these realities, a funny feeling hits me. Both are really not that different. Only the energies they project are. My core thoughts, beliefs don’t change. Only the different “stuff” that surrounds them changes.
Having faith? Loving others whenever I can? It doesn’t matter whether my world is geese like or mosquito like. Faith is always my safe place. Will always be my refuge.
Think about the different phases you’ve been through. Are they really that different when it comes to your core beliefs? Your truths. Integrity, care for self and others. Faith? An interesting process for any of us to undertake.
Lastly, today is the day before Thanksgiving. So many of you have changed, impacted my life this year. In ways you can’t imagine. Ways you may never know. Please just know you have. God bless you all … Happy Thanksgiving.