
October 26, 2021

Welcome to Amazing Express belongs in “Experiences” Refile to “Experiences”

Relationships between people? Are primary of course. But between you and “service providers?” These are important too, aren’t they. You know. Your pharmacy. Your lawn care […]
October 16, 2021

The Night 98 Turned 68 …

I have a very dear friend, Mary. Could write quite a piece about her. But this will have to wait for later. That’s Mary on the […]
September 6, 2021

On Writing Well …

Writing is revealing what’s inside of us. Writing is a process in which we discover what lives in us. The writing itself reveals to us what […]
July 30, 2021

A “Topper” …

When we moved to CT, we bought our dream home. A realtor “friend” of ours came to visit one day. “Oh, what a beautiful ‘starter’ home you […]
July 11, 2021


 “You know, I just don’t know how I can do this anymore.” Thus began a challenging conversation I had with a coachie recently. He told me […]
June 23, 2021

The Bridge Builder …

I have great admiration for those dedicated to helping others. Ultimately with the intention of leaving a legacy. I’m acquainted with many successful people who’ve earned a lot of money. God bless them. They’ve […]
June 21, 2021

The “Second Question”

Here’s a short piece that I think can make a difference …Full disclosure her. I live in Atlanta. But I grew up in Philadelphia. On the […]
May 30, 2021

Andre De Schields …

Andre De Shields … Decades long celebrated actor. Renowned star of so many wonderful productions. Among them …  “The Wiz” … “Ain’t Misbehavin.” He culminated his incredible […]
May 30, 2021

The “Vomit” Memo …

Kind of a weird title, huh. Really no other way to describe it. “”Vomiting” is as close as I can come to describing this. Let me […]