
December 12, 2016

“I’ve Got Enough” …

Jack Bogle is the legendary pioneer and founder of Vanguard… one of the largest asset gathers in the world. Jack was wealthy. But far more humble. […]
December 10, 2016

——–, and The Essence of Heart

tunnel I have a friend. Call her, “——-, my Belle (old Beatles tune) for the sake of anonymity. I sent this to her this morning. I […]
December 8, 2016

Critical… Your Mental Screen

A newborn… so precious. Equally as exhausting. Right? … for those new parents out there? A baby’s thought process? Very simple. Stimulus… response. Eat, sleep, poop. […]
December 2, 2016

The Boys

contributor The Boys… …my triplet 13 yr old grandsons in CT. Born a pound and a half each at birth. In the hospital for months before […]
November 19, 2016

The Song… “It Was a Very Good Year.” Remember?

contributor “It Was a Very Good Year” For those who can remember… the melodious tones of Frank Sinatra. A very good year. What was your best […]
November 16, 2016

Speed Can Kill… But now Slow Down.

contributor My last Post?… Speed is a problem. But paradoxically, the best way to grow personally, professionally? Is to Slow down. Fred Couples, the beloved pro […]
November 8, 2016

Speed… Can Kill !!

contributor Welcome to “The Space Between the Notes”… Post # 1 In an airport… a restaurant… walking on a sidewalk. What do we see? People on […]
October 9, 2016


Frank Sinatra was once asked late in his career, “Mr Sinatra, your music has been so dynamic, so captivating for so many for so long. Is […]
October 9, 2016

Spaces Between the Notes…??

contributor A great friend of mine asked me yesterday, “Bob, what do you mean by ‘The Space Between the Notes’?” Some of you may be asking […]