My grandfather was accomplished. Above all he was a real character. Many Sunday’s “Pop” would drive from his apartment in Germantown, Philadelphia to our home in […]
We are so polarized today aren’t we. Politics, relationships, what to have for dinner tonight. The flood of information, its’ speed of delivery has made us […]
… until the Tide goes out. This is a phrase I’ve used numerous times when deflection, confusion, untruths surface… abound. In a marriage, a business deal, […]
Ebenezer Scrooge. Shows up every Christmas. Stooped over… grimaced face… angry, oh so angry. A life of greed, contempt, unhappiness. Even hate. He’s familiar to us.In […]
contributor Vic Beasley was a consensus all American linebacker at Clemson University in 2013, 2014. He was a the first round draft pick of the Atlanta Falcons […]
Al Bailey’s my newspaper guy. For 26yrs he has delivered my morning paper. 5:15am every morning, double wrapped rain or shine. Has never missed! Al’s amazing. […]