
December 13, 2022

Rejection …

Work with my coach Chris revealed years ago that my Achilles heal has always been my feeling of rejection. Experienced first in kindergarten, my eyes were […]
April 12, 2022


Jon Batiste, the renowned jazz musician, was featured on the CBS show “Sunday Morning” yesterday. His story was spellbinding. Surpassed only by the magic of his […]
March 9, 2022


Vast … shimmering … always active. But soothingly so. A gorgeous, sparkling blue. This is the ocean. In all it’s wonderment.
February 21, 2022


Her energy is infectious … her love for her family? Unwavering. Her personality? More to follow. When she speaks? Well, let me just say. I never […]
February 15, 2022

Truth and Conflict

I had a revealing session with a coachie the other day. He was telling me how conscious he was about “telling the truth” … always. “Always?” […]
February 7, 2022

Melanie …

There are those few rare people I meet who are truly dedicated to a life of service. Those who just seem to know a lot. People […]
February 5, 2022

Live Your Life!

There is a condition today … a malady really that just sprung to my mind I had to write about. This is an emotional purging of […]
February 3, 2022

The Great “Spaces” …

CONNECTIONS the book I’m writing is an extension of my six year blog, “The Space Between the Notes” The pauses, “spaces” … the discernment that needs […]
January 28, 2022

Better … Different

I heard long ago … In marketing, you’d be better or different. Hopefully both. Different from the rest. Better than the rest. That’s how you beat […]