As I age, continue to mature, grow older. There are reflections Bits of changes in my personal behavior, I find make my life much more rewarding. Focuses that help my life move forward more smoothly …
I try to avoid “cocktail” talk
I forgive more … hold fewer grudges.
Choose sleep over Friday alcohol
More tend to give friends the benefit of the doubt
Look for similarities in others more than differences.
Don’t try to force love
See heartaches as part of the deal.
Enjoy more being interested than trying to be interesting
Find silence over needless fighting … is always better
I don’t depend on people to make me happy.
Rather I take responsibility. See my inner self as the path to happiness.
And above all … I laugh more!
These are things I try to think about every day.
As you age, what changes might you consider that would positively impact your quality of life?
All good, Bricks!….and reminders for me, too!..many thanks! Xaire! Chief
Miss you but feel connected just by always reading your blogs 👍😍