How many times have you heard …
“It’ll only take a minute.” (False)
“Be back to you in a minute.” (Usually false)
“Wait a minute!” (Maybe)
“Your wait time is only … one minute. (Right!)
“Real quick!” (Can you wait one?)
“Honey, this will only take a minute.” (Oops!)
There are 525,600 minutes in a year. I thought to myself this morning. “Why don’t you sit quietly for one full minute.” I did. Looked at a piece of artwork on our living room wall I hadn’t noticed in months. Smelled the fresh flowers Nancy adorns our house with weekly. Smiled as I thought back briefly about our wonderful reunion last month at Seaside Beach. All in one minute. Stunned me actually. The time was surprisingly plentiful, refreshing.
In my recently published book, I write about “Quiet Time” Take 5 … 10 minutes and just “be.” Ok, but most of us have a hard time quieting for 5 or 10. Maybe even one? Such is life today. But this morning. Microwaving oatmeal took two minutes. In two, I emptied the trash… fed Gracie a piece of cheese… checked my email and opened my iPad to read the paper’s front page. All in two minutes!
When I wrote CONNECTIONS, I was mindful of who my audience was. That’s why my book is made up of ninety short messages. The feedback I got most? “I love the short pieces! So easy to read. I pick it up, put it down. And pick it up later.” Precisely what I thought I’d hear.
But this one-minute thing this morning really got my attention. As I timed myself, I was struck by how much I could take in… in just one of those 525,600 minutes available to me in a year. Why? It’s a bit paradoxical. The more compressed life becomes, the more we cherish brief moments of silence when we can just check out. Apply all five senses. Absorb our surroundings. Embrace the wonders, blessings so present.
(I climbed the Grand Canyon once. Never been so thirsty in my life! Came to a water station. Never tasted anything so sweet in my life!) Get my point?
So, I’m going to think about ten things I can do in one minute. Here you go…
Tell a joke… eat a cupful of blueberries… think of my favorite all time movies…write a check to a good cause… hold myself in “plank” position… close my eyes and “see” what shows up… brush puppy Gracie… make eye contact and listen to Nancy… say good things to yourself about you… give praise to God for this, and all.
So, now you try it. Take a piece of paper. Write down your ten “one minute” things. Things you may put off. Things that make you smile … make you laugh. Maybe someone you miss, haven’t seen for a while. Or remember someone no longer with you. Write them down. And then take one at a time. Take a minute. Ten mornings in a row. A habit may form. It has for me.
One minute. One of those small surprises that help a lot.
Surprising how much gratitude can be recognized in one minute! thank you for the reminder!!
Great, great piece my friend!!!
Can never be too many y reminders to just “be still and know that I am God”
And in those minutes , still accomplish so much 😍👍
Your writing sounds like it’s coming from such a “ peaceful “ place🤔👍
Well done❤️