lingua franca … A bridge language, communication … linkage between two people connecting them. How people speaking two different languages can connect with one another. Without words. lingua franca … there are no words. (Admittedly I take some liberty with my use of lingua franca here.) But it helps me make my point. Lynda Denworth wrote a book recently. The Wall Street Journal reviewed it writing yesterday “The Surprising Science Behind Friendship.” In her book Denworth describes the evolution, biology and extraordinary powers of life’s fundamental bond. The bond? … the title of Denworth’s book, Friendship.
I’ve written about connection, energy between people and friendship before. But a clear convergence of a number of things came to me this morning. I’ve written about the mystery of faith … people with the “It” factor … coincidences(there are none) … personal “radar” screens … lucky people … love.
Stuff exemplifying some of the mystical, mysterious parts of our lives … like lingua franca. All these are things we experience unknowingly, subconsciously. Mystically. They evade verbal description. They just are. We know they exist. We just don’t know how. We just feel them.
As Denworth describes them, the extraordinary powers of life’s fundamental bonds. Now, she’s a “science writer.” who for decades has studied the brain. The map of the trillions of connections between brain cells. In her book she says …“But recently during my scientific studies, it has become evident to me that there is an equally important map to be made extending out from the brain. Invisible but essential.” The map? The fundamental bond of friendship. Obviously something’s going on here with me. I’ve written on friendship from many different perspectives. I value my friends highly. Very, maybe overly so. A personal history explains why. Too much to address here. But friendships for me are at the core of who I am. I’m sure for others, maybe you as well?
I recently wrote about the benefits of going private school. The intangible my girls, her friends are gifted with simply by attending. I rambled on. And then a dear friend of mine who once chaired a prestigious private school in New England called me. He’s actually clairvoyant at times. “Bricks, you did the ‘heavy lifting’ here with your piece on private school. But let me add this additional thought … lingua franca.” Brilliant! We enjoy a vibrant “lingua franca” between us. The takeaway from private school he alluded to? lingua franca
Next week, oh, just by coincidence I’m attending a book club when we will address … and here’s the byline describing the meeting … “Contemplative practices. Ways to enhance personal introspection and lead to the realization of our inextricable connection to each other.” Coincidence … NOT.
I’ve offered previously that our future existence as people will be dominated by the “ “internal universe.” The spirit inside us, our belief system. How we choose to respond to the challenges life throws us. As we are threatened today by the depletion of our natural resources, a sharpened grasp of the lingua franca aspects of life will leap forward. How we respond to the energy we experience, exchange with others will cause the divisions between us to soften. We will focus on the commonalities we share. Not the illusory differences that dominate our cultural conflicts of today.
Linda Denworth touches on a key to all this in her revealing book on friendship. I’ve worked with a metaphysical coach for twenty three years. He long ago introduced me to the existence of “spirits” that guide me every day. My “higher self”; my “future self”; my soul. Spiritual “friends” All working within me, through my subconscious as a guide. Some call this “God’s plan.” I’ve often wondered where the spirits of all those who have died go. Why do I at times feel the presence of one who has passed? My dearest friend in all the world died four years ago. I write his widow and daughter every year remembering him on the anniversary of his death. This year I wrote, “Peter is here. Standing in front of me. Smiling as I write the two of you. So confirming Peter is still alive in me.
Could it be that this is a present, mystical energy, lingua franca? At my 50th college reunion I was asked to recite the names of classmates who had died since graduation. It was during a chapel service for two hundred or so. I was reading the names slowly appreciating each would have particular impact on some in the congregation. Then I came upon the name, Donald Charles Overbeck. My dear freshman roommate who died of pancreatic cancer at age 28 leaving three boys under 5.
As I said his name, Donny “came” to me. Right there, right then. That smile of his. Tears flowed. I had to pause for five seconds or so.I composed myself and continued to read the remaining names.The feeling was so real, so powerful. lingua franca? Frontiers of technology, DNA, genomics … new pathways exploring our “internal universe” will flourish. Discussions about aspects of our emerging, spiritual being … like lingua franca will be on the rise.
Fascinating …