In April … I wrote about the travails of a losing professional sports team.
The energy drain … the sadness. That spreads through a city when one of it’s pro teams … excuse this please “Craps the bed.”f
Last night?! The spell of 28-3? The Falcons no “buzz” depressing Super Bowl debacle? Bye Bye!!
The Atlanta Braves are the 2021 World Series Champions!!
Again … The Atlanta Braves are World Series Champions!!
”Sports Buzz” in Atlanta is back! Louder than the blast of the Mother Bomb Trump dropped on Syria!
So even though the piece below may be a bit maudlin, just take a look at the picture of Freddy Freeman above. The “buzz” is back!
It’s back. Had to wait 26 years. I was here for the last one in ‘95. But this one?!
No comparison.
In 2017 the Atlanta Falcons suffered the worst Super Bowl defeat in NFL history
In 2018 the Philadelphia Eagles won an epic Super Bowl. One of the greatest Super Bowl wins in NFL history. Two games. Two outcomes. Polar opposites of one another.
Now consider the fan bases in both Atlanta and Philadelphia.
One enjoyed a euphoric “buzz” all over the city celebrating the Eagles victory. The other suffered through a sad grieving process as the Falcon’s collapse set in. No “buzz.” in Atlanta.
I walked the streets of both cities following both Philly’s great wins and Atlanta’s tragic loss. The energy, or lack there of was palpable in each case. Intense. A lack of smiles and direct eye contact in Philly. Part of the Philadelphia’s culture. I usually feel like a windowpane when in I’m there. After Super Bowl LII? Nothing but warmth. Smiles. Eye contact galore.
A felt the real “buzz” I’m Philly.
Atlanta’s culture? Normally, you can’t pass someone on the sidewalk without a nod, a smile … a greeting. Following its catastrophic Super Bowl loss? Heads down, shaking “No …” Even a few, “Can you believe it!”(s) Like a low sounding, sorrowful hum. Flowing through the city like an invisible lava. No “buzz.” in Atlanta.
The Falcons have never recovered from their loss. Their record the last three years has been pathetic. Same players. Same coach. They’ve not been competitive. Some call this a Super Bowl “hangover.” I agree. But here’s what I’m getting to. There’s more here.
Not only is the team suffering. The entire fan base, the city of Atlanta is right there too. What’s amazing to me is that … the fumes of the “hangover” still exist to this day. Four years later. The pall, the pessimism. The absence of “buzz” or enthusiasm remains.
I talk a lot about energy. Connections. No coincidences. Only energy connections. Trillions and trillions of them. Intersecting, intertwined around the globe invisibly. Everyone of us transmits our own unique energy pattern. In most ways we determine the nature of the “energy” we send out.
We’ve heard “the power of positive thinking” … just “think positively.” Then of course there’s the power of prayer. Miracles abound as prayer saves lives … can make the sick well. There’s Karma … we can “catch the spirit!”
Back to my Falcons. Until the lull in energy infecting the Atlanta team … the community, dissipates? And a renewed “buzz” … positive expectation returns? I don’t think Atlanta is going to return to a championship sports event. We will continue to be plagued by a lack of “buzz.”
Lastly, and maybe most defining of Sports “Buzz?” The experience, record of the squash team at my alma mater Trinity College in Hartford, CT. 252 consecutive intercollegiate squash matches. Won. Let me repeat … 252 consecutive intercollegiate squash matches … WON!!
An NCAA record. “Buzz” … squared. Elevated the national reputation of this small New England college. All by itself. Impact? Attendance at the school. Alumni giving. School spirit. Trinity was on the map! “Buzz” in the absolute. Heads high. The intensity of the energy here? Sports “Buzz.” Without peer.
The power of the human spirit, energy … whether it be for good or bad. Is undeniable. Maybe this is no more evident than when it comes to winning, losing in sports.
“Buzz” The presence of energy can be defining when outcomes are determined.
Good luck, Falcons. Acknowledging the need for “buzz” to return in Atlanta may be the first step in regaining the strength needed to return to the Super Bowl.
Have faith Atlanta. We’re due for a championship event to ignite our great city again. See the “buzz” return!