Months of being cooped up … removed from so many of routine stuff that makes life fun? I’ve noticed (no kidding) the intensity of the anger all around me. In me too.!
Road rage. Food store rage! Family conflict. One of the benefits of masks? They disguise all those long faces, the frustration and combustion under them.
Personally, I’ve had to check in with myself recently. I’ve been walking around with a sharp “edge.” Anger. Family, friends … yes, on the road, on the golf course too. I feel like many things are bothering me. I’m just angry. Unfortunately targeting it at people close to me. But why?
I am a pretty disciplined guy. Can be somewhat of a perfectionist. So at times I need to be in control. Not good at a time like this. My world, the world is bottled up. I swallow my emotions. After all, I think it avoids conflict, hurt. Right? Nah … just delays dealing with them, stores up the anger underneath. Waiting for the release. An outburst.
So, if I’m honest? I’m simply at fault. Those who might bug me aren’t the culprits. I am. “Get over it, Bob!” Be an adult. Practice what you preach. Self coach yourself this early morning and change it up! Otherwise your anger will burst (already has) and you’ll just spill a lot of unhappiness all over on you … on others too.
So I’m subject to like us all… if only imperceptibly to our world’s circumstance. But always … always remember how good you have it. I recall that picture in the WSJ of all those Mercedes, Audi’s in that Walmart parking lot in NJ. Lining up for boxes of food. “Really, Bob!“
If you feel yourself “off” a bit these days, welcome to the club. Scan your emotions. Check in with your feelings. How’re they working for you? I found a common strain in me through them all this morning. Anger. Not easy to do. But recognition that YOU and only YOU are the one who can change your current circumstance.
You can’t change anything you don’t first acknowledge. I’ll accept responsibility here.
I apologize to those I’ve directed my anger toward lately. Understandable maybe. But not acceptable. I’m making the emotional adjustment and moving on.
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Just mentioned the word anger to our photographer who was making a video for selling our house. Over the past 6 months of renovations with contractors, real estate agents, and all the rest that goes on in the process I sure have noticed the amount of anger that has stirred about. The one thing that has saved me each morning the breakfast at McDonalds. The drive up window with good morning sugar boo what will you have today. The simple pleasure of an egg, cheese muffin & coffee sets my day in motion. Yes it is the little things that make it all right.