Horror … Evil … Catastrophe … all words that knife through the hearts of us all. Today another incident in Florida brings these words front and center as we process the unspeakable.But I have always wondered. Words matter… But. What’s the action to follow, serve as urgent response to prevent future repeats of the evil acts of a few that devastate us all.Bring on the media, the politicians, the talk show hosts. “Our hearts go out… “; “Take every precaution to prevent this from happening again.” “What if this had been your child, your loved one?” Acute comments that bring tears to our eyes, pain to our hearts. All well intentioned.
But then I hear, “We”, “The nation”, “Congress”… must do something. We must do something!! Oh no. On and on and on. All these laments, claims are well intentioned. But who INDIVIDUALLY will be truly accountable for real change to impact these tragedies?We need to identify single leaders, one… two… three who will strive to combat our fading memories that dissolve so quickly after events like Florida … who will accept the charge to lead for ACTION when this incident as all others move from national consciousness, our consciousness as all too soon do. Columbine, Sandy Hook, Las Vegas all so tragic, so horrific. But except for the families and those connected to them, we all move on to our daily lives. Don’t we. Saddened for sure at the time, but returning to the blinding pace of today and the personal challenges we need to address.Accountability is dyadic. One to One. Not Congress, Not Society. Not We. Finger pointing these groups only assures diffusion, dilution of potential ACTIONS to release us from future horrors like the latest in Florida yesterday.
I’m listening to Shawn Hannity as I write this. Rage… passion. Sincere. Words matter… But. The result will be the judge. Not the screams of pundits, well meaning cries from politicians. We need to break the pattern and repeating non ACTION here. Exclaim… You and You and You need to take charge. Effect actual change. Or we will continue to grieve unspeakable loss.Only those individuals on a mission. Those who will passionately respond and stay the course. Only individuals identified… surfaced who will accept and execute change will matter.Generalities… calls for groups to ACT have been vacuous past attempts that have resulted in zero.Accountability is dyadic. Until we hold individuals accountable, I believe we will simply wait for the next tragedy and the repeat of universal care… but empty resolve.
1 Comment
I am not the first because I heard it from someone after Columbine ask this question, “What drug were they on?” at least for the school shootings. I think it is 100% were on some drug.