I read a lot. Four hundred books on the shelves in my office tell me so. I am always inspired when true words of wisdom, quotes fuel my passion for coaching people… helping them grow.
Here are my Top Five from 2017. Motives for new beginnings as a new year unfolds…
“As a man thinketh in his heart… so shall he be.”
As a Man Thinketh James Allen“
To be strong in will, to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield is what this whole life of mine has been about… our world has ENOUGH hate, guns, political platitudes, arrogance, disingenuousness, self interest, snobbishness, superficially, war, and certainty that God is on our side. But it never has ENOUGH love, conscience, tolerance, idealism, justice, and compassion, nor ENOUGH wisdom, humility, self sacrifice for the greater good, integrity, courtesy, poetry, laughter, and generosity of substance and spirit.”
Enough John C. Bogle
“Purpose is that deepest dimension within us— our central core or essence — where we have a profound sense of who we are, where we are going. Purpose is the quality we choose to shape our lives around. Purpose is the source of energy and direction.
”The Power of Purpose Richard J. Leider
“One must above all have mutually fruitful relationships. He must be capable of accepting love… being capable of giving it. Being capable of depending on others, of being depended on. See life through another’s eyes and feel it through another’s heart. Love and friendship dissolves the rigidities of the isolated self.”
Self Renewal John W. Gardner
“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself, ‘What is my passion?’ And then go and do that. Because the world needs people who come alive… truly live.
”Happier Gal Ben Shahar, Ph.D.
Be happy in the new year … love all …driven by purpose … think in your heart.On to a great 2018…