I don’t know Martha Sterne well. Nancy and I have retired on “Someday Isle” when it comes to church. You know… some days I’ll go… some days I won’t. We have been members of All Saints Church however for 26yrs. Love the place. It’s because of wonderful people, clergy like Martha. Key reasons why this is so.
She doesn’t know how she has touched me so over these many years. So let me tell you why now.Our encounters… face to face, have been brief, infrequent. But nonetheless defining. Short. But somehow instantly connected. Her not always knowing exactly where she should be during a service. So cute. Eyes always moving lovingly from one to another of us. Each time I catch her eye I feel get just a small grain of “sand like” connection with God. Truly. Martha reminds me of a little bunny rabbit. So energetic!I will never forget her playing the cymbals during a 4th of July celebration. In rhythm… mostly. Arms tiring… definitely. Just like the “Energizer Bunny”!
She has been given special gifts by our Lord for sure. Her delivery of a sermon. Her uncanny ability to touch our hearts every time she rises to the pulpit. Always looks larger up their. “Is she standing on a stool?” Folksy, vulnerable Martha packs quite a punch in that small, little frame. Although she works from text I imagine her at times not fully knowing what she’s going to say. Maybe when this is so, these are her best words. Just another gift. All I can tell you is Nancy and I usually quickly turn the page in the bulletin each Sunday we attend, “Ahh, great. She’s preaching today.” We’re never disappointed.
Oh maybe once or twice in 26 years. She has colored our lives, made them just a little more vivid along the way. Let me give you one thought how. A theme of Martha’s I’ve always loved. “It’s all about YOU!!” One time she talked about repentance. Went something like this…”You all keep sayin’ he needs… she needs to repent. But what about YOU! It’s not about them out there. It’s about YOU. YOU repent!”
Basically, stop the nonsense. It’s not about others. It always about YOU. A charge to act. A consistent call to be accountable to our faith, to our God. I’ll usually get a chill or two. Inspiring. I could go on. But I honestly don’t feel I’m close enough here to do so now.One last thing I think Martha Sterne should know though.
Whether it be Holy Innocents, All Saints or wherever she’s been called to serve, her impact on “the flock” has been far greater than she may even realize. Oh sure she’s touched so, so many directly, indirectly by her presence. The sermons, her ministering to 100s… thousands. Yes.
But think about all those we’ve told about her messages. Our children. Our friends. Their children, their friends. Grandchildren! On and on. A grand multiple beyond her reach. Impact she may find unthinkable. But this is true. Thousands, tens of thousands… maybe hundreds?
Such a legacy. All in God’s love.So today let’s celebrate Martha Sterne. One of a kind. Simply a gift to us all. Thank you. Thank you Martha.
God speed… well done.