“God created man because He loved stories.”
And everybody has one. Like the young woman above. Just a face in a crowd? No, just someone with a story. Her story …
I’ve written extensively about the marvel of the human condition.
In fact, this piece is somewhat redundant as I’ve covered this theme many times before. Always worth repeating in a different context. So here goes.
Think about it. How many of us reach out to another … interested in learning, hear about their story? Doing so is always inspiring … such a boost for me. Let alone the gift it is for one I reach out to. Connect with.
I had a colonoscopy yesterday. You don’t want to know the details, do you? That’s Ok. But my anesthesiologist was an engaging chap. In his mid thirties. He obviously had a lot of stuff to tell me prior to giving me the “juice” to knock me out. (BTW … the best part of the whole procedure!) But I can always sense when energy “frequencies” match. This guy and I were on the same wavelength … instantly.
Me, “You’re a lightbulb. How long have you been doing this?”
Him, “Six years following a few years in the Marine Corps.
(He had a quizzical look in his eye, “Who’s this guy?”)
Me, “I could tell by your handshake.”
Him, “Ha, yea. My wife says the same thing.
Me, (As I signed his release) “Can’t read my signature, can you.”
Him, “It is unusual looking. What do you do?”
Me, “I do life coaching. Just had a book signing.”
”Him, “Really, what’s the name of your book?”
He bought my book CONNECTIONS just before he wheeled me into the operating room. On the way there we were talking about his next “career.” That he and his wife wanted to start an entrepreneurial venture that would impact others. Whoa Nelly! Impact? The match between us just went up a level!
My point here. I could have let this guy just give me instructions. Wheel me in, sending me to nirvana with his injection. But a brief chat turned into … “Mr Brickley, you made my day.” Made his day? Huh. Then I thought, I wonder how many patients, Will (got his name early) set up yesterday. The place is a factory. Colonoscopies, endoscopies galore.
But Will had a story. It was far more vast than our brief chat could uncover. He did buy my book. It showed up on my purchases this morning. I may never see Will again. Didn’t get his contacts. But he did come over to shake my hand and smile while I recovered from his magic “juice.”
There are innumerable “Wills” we cross paths with every day. Like the following young man. Zion is a bar tender at our club. Very quiet. A bit new. Hadn’t seen him before. But then I don’t drink much. (Yea, believe that one.)
Me, “Zion, how are ya? Is this a full time job for you?”
Him, “No, I’m in school getting my degree.”
Me, “In what?”
Him, “Aviation maintenance. I will be joining the Air Force. And hopefully become a pilot.”
Me, “Wow, that’s super.”
An unassuming young man making a few bucks tending bar. Going to become an Air Force pilot. A lot of conversation with Zion followed. Nan and I could have simply had our two glasses of wine and left. But this kid had a story. One she and I discussed after dinner. We gave Zion a wave as we left. He waved back with a smile.
One last one…
I was at the golf course yesterday hitting golf balls. There were two young cart boys there loading carts, cleaning clubs.
Me, “How are you guys today?” Ben, “Great Mr. Brickley. Sorry you’re a Phillies fan.”
(I didn’t remember Ben. But obviously I’d reached out to previously)
Me, “No! I’m a Braves fan all the way!” (The second cart boy kinda stood there quietly.)
Ben, “Hey, Mr B, Austen here is a bat boy for the Braves!”
Here’s what ensued. Austen stepped over with his phone.
Austen, “Here I am playing catch with Ron Acuna. They give us our own locker in the same area as the players. The stories we hear?”
Me, “Wow, Austen, four of us are going to the game Tuesday night! I’ll shout out to you. Give us a wave.”
(Turns out Austen graduated from Georgia with a degree in Sports Marketing. Being a batboy for the Braves was his entry into the career.)
Yet another brief experience reaching out to someone to learn their story. It never ceases to amaze me the energy and lift of spirit I get when I hear someone’s story … get a chance to share mine with them.
I’ll always take the opportunity to connect. Grow in the process. Knowing … everybody’s got a story. A story that is uniquely theirs.
This is so easy to do. Unfortunately, maybe easier not to do.
Something to think about.