Al Bailey’s my newspaper guy. For 26yrs he has delivered my morning paper. 5:15am every morning, double wrapped rain or shine. Has never missed! Al’s amazing. I have sent him a check every year in thanks. For his dedication to his passion. Making sure his many friiends get their morning paper for coffee, their daily crossword, last night’s sports scores. At this joyous time of year Al Bailey is a gift for sure… a Christmas gift.
Their are so many “Als” in our lives. Deserving a little Christmas gift from you and me. A waiter who delivers excellent service plus**… the smiling parking valet who asks your name on arrival, then remembers your name when you return two weeks later, the handy man who shows up and performs those little “miracles” on your home, the smiling checkout gal at the food store who takes you grocery cart to your car. (On Labor Day I gave my check out gal “Harmony” $20. She blushed, “Mr Bob, your gift just made my weekend.”),
On and on… you have your special people who are simply “of service.” to you.
I make a nice living as a Life Coach. Let’s call it 25x a day. Those I mention above, well, lets assume they make 1x a day. Minimum wage for some above? More for sure for others. But consider this. I gave Harmony $20. on Labor Day. It didn’t dent my wallet. To her it was maybe two hours pay at the food store, two lunches, gas for her car? My small $20. tip meant a lot to her… less to me. I realized that my gift to her was amplified many times over. To me? Just loved her smile.
Bottom Line: When you conside how generous you might be this Christmas, think of the impact your tips has to those “of service”. $20, 50, 100 will mean far less to you than it will mean to them.
Admission: I waited for Al Bailey in my driveway at 5:15am yesterday… handed him a nice check for his gift this Christmas and every morning of 2016.
Al’s reply, “Mr Brickley, thank you. This is wonderful.” Thought about it. Al, it was wonderful for me too. I hope you will think so too when you consider the Als in your life and the bucks you send their way this Christmas.
Got it covered. Already helped out recycler, trash crew, nail salon, hair dresser, mailman AND Main Line Animal Rescue.
This hit home this holiday. I saw it in the actions of my 20 year old daughter. She returned from a family gathering where her Aunt & Uncle had given her $20 for Christmas. As she pulled in to our driveway the UPS delivery woman was making her rounds. It was a cold, rainy Saturday evening. She decided it was her time to “give” – not only did she help her carry the boxes to the front door but she passed along her $20. We all know how valuable $20 is to a college student! As the UPS driver stood in our doorway and cried and explained that no one had ever blessed her in this way, the $20 became that much more valuable. It truly is more blessed to give than to receive.