A great friend of mine asked me yesterday, “Bob, what do you mean by ‘The Space Between the Notes’?” Some of you may be asking the same. Let me explain.
One of the viruses I have uncovered in my years of coaching has been this… the intense focus on the Urgent – Important events of the day… The “Notes.”Lists of tasks (rarely prioritized) the transactions.
You need to pay the bills, save for kid’s college, put a little away for tomorrow.
“Work smarter not harder.” The overused phrase we all use, but rarely put in play.
Then there are the Not Urgent – Important things… The “Spaces”
Planning, relationship building, making sound decisions.
Strategizing, exercising, time with family
Quiet time with yourself… just doing nothing.
I have spoken to many groups. I ask, “Where do you spend most of your time?” Show of hands? The unanimous reply? the Urgent / Important. Now, where would you like to spend more of your time? Again unanimous! theNot Urgent / Important. Hmm.
I work with many very smart people. Only a few of them are truly healthy. Balanced… tactically , emotionally.
“The Space Between the Notes” will be dedicated to guiding you,
urging you to spend more time in your daily lives addressing
The Urgent / Unimportant…the spaces between the notes.
See my next message.. let’s get started.