Maybe you like me are exhausted hearing about Millennials and Generation Zs congregating in groups … world wide. Spreading what now is the widest infections of COVID 19 so far! Attempts to contain these “children” has proven unsuccessful if not impossible.
Welcome to that ever quoted truism, “You reap what you sow.”All get a trophy … “helicopter” parenting … “grade-flation.” Take your pick of some of the root causes of young people today who, well? Just don’t give a damn about anyone but themselves.” Oh, I’m generalizing for sure. But I’m always struck by Dr. Deborah Birx, a mother of two, when she’s on national TV virtually shaking her finger at the youth of America scolding them for their openly naked, selfish behavior. “We’re tired. We’re bored. We want ours.”
Might be some of the retorts we hear from our uncaring young when authorities imploringly cry for them to comply with basic behaviors to stop this deadly virus.Well, I always hesitate to lament on the past. But maybe the lessons here might change the very behavior we condemn in our young. Maybe they will someday see the impact of their self centeredness and help their children see their failings and behave differently. In the meantime all you little brats! Grow up, please! And realize the consequences of your actions. People are and will die. People are dying in large part because you haven’t cared beyond your own selfish needs.
But the I’ll always harken back to the memories. Memory of what we as parents of a younger generation sowed in these kids. What we are unfortunately reaping what we have sown today.