“It’s about time!” … hear this a lot. But this phrase applies particularly well here. I just finished reading an article written in “The Trinity Reporter,” a college publication. Wanted to catch the spirit … my emotions at this moment. The article honored a friend of mine for his lifetime of commitment to a cause, a place he has loved … for seventy of his over ninety years on the planet. Trinity College in Hartford, CT. My alma mater. And “It’s about time!” Many of us, ask the question, “Why am I here? What am I called to do … be in this life.” Those who find the answers to these questions live a life fulfilled. I think Jerry found his calling long ago when he found Trinity.
The article in “The Reporter” is long. Beautifully so … There is a lot to cover. Seven decades dedicated to a singular passion. Family, friends. All of it. I’ll not attempt to review the highlights here. I’ll leave this to others. Let me just offer this. “Gerald J. Hansen ‘51 P’74’,‘84,’88, GP’12,’16,’20. Simply said … Jerry graduated in 1951. His three sons graduated in 1978, 1984 and 1988. He had three grandchildren graduate from the College in 2012, 2016 and 2020. Others too. Legacy? I’d challenge any college in America to duplicate this lineage … this record. Jerry’s lived a unique life. A life of giving. Most of all, he’s a giver. Highlights of my experiences with him are still so vivid. However buried they might be among the thousands others could recount too. Vividly as well.
I met him in 1967 having just graduated from Trinity. The occasion? An alumni gathering in Philadelphia at the Inn of the Four Falls. Jerry was then the current president of the Trinity Club of Philadelphia. An event well attended. Philadelphia was always been known to be a “pipeline” for sending kids to Trinity. I could tell immediately that Jerry was a leader. A take charge guy. Yeah, known to us all … he had lead the effort to get Philadelphia kids to Trinity. Just look at all the graduates over the years from Philadelphia. Jerry has his “touch” on each of them. I was one.
I’ve joined him many times in person, on the phone complaining about what’s going on at the school. This and that. So many times. At the end of every conversation though … despite our differences with the college? We’ve ended with this …“You know, I don’t think I’ve ever met a kid who graduated from Trinity who didn’t love the school.” Seven happy graduates in the Hansen family might be the best confirmation. A point here. Observation. If you were to ask Michael Jordan how he made all those spectacular moves on a basketball court? He’d reply, “I don’t really know. I can’t describe it. It’s just there.” Now of course I’m not saying Jerry is a Jordan. He was a pretty good athlete.his athlete. But no.
I do want to share two things here. Two distinct memories that bring my Jordan reference to mind …
First, Jerry does have a “Jordan like” gift. I’ve watched him circulate through crowds of Trinity people over many years. Students, alumni, parents, faculty … anywhere Trinity shows up. Jerry always seems to get there. Be there. Here’s the gift. He has the ability to share a smile or a word … even just a glance that connects all those he touches, … always helping them see Trinity in the best light. “Mr Trinity” just does his thing. There is a thread, a memory that runs through all of my sixty years affiliated with the school. Knowing Jerry. Now. If I were to ask him how he does this? Connects with so many, so effectively. Like Jordan, he’d reply, “I don’t really know. I can’t describe it. It’s just there.”
Second, I’ve been fortunate to know, meet some great people who I’ll call “significant.” CEOs … professional athletes … great friends. I’ve been impressed by their accomplishments, their fame. How they’re admired by others. But as one dedicated to the art of human dynamics … I’ve noticed a quality all these successful people possess. Each has an uncanny ability that regardless of the demands on their time or attention. When they are with you, with me? They make one feel at that moment like you’re the only person in their life.. They’re always totally present for the person in front of them. They listen. Make you feel like you matter.
Jerry has this gift. Do I think I’m one of his best friends? No. Does he make me feel this way every time I’m with him? Absolutely. Once you’ve met Jerry, he’s hard to forget.
So … two qualities of an old friend I had to write about this morning. In the shadow of a wonderful article recounting his extraordinary life. If you want to know something about Trinity? Make a connection.? Get insight? Even a “nudge” to help a kid get into the school. Call Jerry. He’ll be hard to forget. Obviously hard for me to do so.
God speed Gerry … so well done.
1 Comment
Bob: A terrific piece about a great guy— and a true treasure for our alma mater!