She’s my little sister. “Chrost” is my loving nickname for her. She was born five years behind me. She’ll never be as old as me … but she’ll always be very special to me.
Seventy … 70 great years with Christine. Fun times, some challenging ones too. But above all, we love one other … a lot. If not always expressed outwardly. She can get pissed off easily. But gets over it quickly. Her long and successful career with Arco/Lyondell? Just one indicator of how committed, capable, and caring she is. Brother Tuck and I played a lot together. But seemed to always leave our little sister out of our kid games. In those days she spent most of her time being chased by … “Hi Chrishtine! (hic!)” … Steve Voorhees! Her old friend on Beechtree La.
And then came that game I’ll never forget at Conestoga High. Girls basketball. Christine was a starter for the home team. She was quick and determined. She rebounded like Lebron, was the leading scorer. Led her team to a big win. Simply played her butt off. It was her best game ever. Tuck, Dad and I were there. We saw every minute. Every great play. Although not a surprise to us, her teammates were a little curious. What had gotten into Christine? She always played hard. But today? Even harder.
“My brothers and my father were here today,” she told them. “First time, really, that all three of them gave me their total attention at the same time. I played for them today. To show ‘em. And I showed ‘em.” She played that day just as she’s been all her life. Determined, dedicated, loyal. Get something done? Give it to Christine and forget about it. It’ll get done. Want someone to be there for you? She’s there. Always. You just get a little extra … every time she does something for you?
Of course, she openly shows her love for her brothers … as well as her many great friends. Mostly … by doing it all. She just keeps doing things for others. How can you beat that. I remember receiving all her cards and phone calls. She always remembers. Treats me like royalty when I visit her. Every time.
I remember how capably, lovingly she cared for our mother in her later years. I was in Atlanta. “Chrost” and “T” shouldered all the burdens. All so well done. But with all she had deal with as her mother’s baby, Chrost had her own baby to care for too. Cally, her beautiful little pup. She was so devoted to him. Doubt this? Just check the 300 Facebook posts featuring her “precious.” It’s easy to kid and bug her. She’s gullible. Just makes her more fun.
Tuck and I weren’t always kind. “Bratty brat brat da bratty brat brat, da bratty brat” was a constant dig that annoyed her to death. Still does! But then I guess that’s what brothers do. A sign of affection really. We grew up with her mother who struggled with a serious drinking problem. Made it hard for Christine to relate to her. Our father was little distant from her. He did lovingly call her “Peachcake.” But her relationships with her mom and dad were difficult. But she worked through it all. Rose above it. Typical her. Look what a great person she is today!
Seventy years later … we … all of us will never have a better friend. Nor will Tuck and I have a more wonderful sister. So to my dear Christine? We all love you so. I love you so.
Happy Birthday
Love “B”
1 Comment
I love this. I must get to Philly to meet Christine .