I wrote recently about the death of my Aunt Sis. On reflection I realized something I had to write about this morning. I’ve been out of Philadelphia, my family home, for decades. Over thirty years really. When I was in Philly I really never saw my Aunt often. You know. Thanksgivings, Christmases mostly. Only saw her maybe three times since moving away in 1981.
But a curious thing happened the morning after I learned of her passing. THERE SHE WAS. Right in front of me that morning. Beautiful. Smiling. Fun … actually. I immediately started writing. Capturing the memories. Her presence. Events. Serious things. Funny things. So distant and yet so present as the spirit of my Aunt visited me. So vivid … surprising. Embraced so much of who she was while with us.
“How can this be?” I thought. My cousins had described her as an “unbeliever.” Formal religion wasn’t her shtick. Made me all the more curious of her “presence” as I wrote. Research over years has postured that an energy actually leaves, is lifted from the body following death. As the spirit leaves us. May confirm the belief that we are all just an energy housed within our bodies. Who really knows. But it’s comforting to think when someone dies, they are still with us. Their spirit lives on. I’ve always wondered in some magical way if we get to “attend” our own funerals. As others recount all the memories and emotions of a life lived. Just thought I’d reflect here as I need this perspective at my stage in life. In my later years. As the passings … the visits from spirits are more frequent these days.
My roommate in college was one of the most memorable individuals I’ve ever known. Don Overbeck was brilliant. Handsome. A great athlete. With an incredible sense of humor. Everybody loved Donny. He was a very gifted guy.
Five years after we graduated, Donny got stomach cancer. He and wife Gail had three young boys under five. Obviously, it was a terrible tragedy when at age 28, Don Overbeck passed away at Sloan Kettering Hospital on a sad Fall morning.
Many years passed before Don’s countenance, his memory was brought vividly to my consciousness. Oh, I’d thought about him often over the years. But it was at my 50th Reunion from Trinity that I got a real shot of spiritual reality.
There was always a memorial service during reunion honoring descendants from our class. I was asked to go to the pulpit and read the names of members of my class that had died. As I began reading the names, I consciously slowed my delivery so those in the congregation could absorb whatever thought, remembrance or picture that came to mind as I read each name.
When I came to “Donald Charles Overbeck” I felt my face flush. My eyes watered. And then, as though someone had projected an image facing me … there was Donny. Smiling. A look of calm as if to say. Don’t worry, Bricks. I love you.
I was stunned and stopped the reading of any further names. Was speechless for five seconds or so. The chapel was deathly silent. I continued, finished the rest of the list. The chaplain presiding over the service approached me, “Mr. Brickley, please know. When you had your moment? So too did everyone in the congregation has their own moment as well.
A spiritual moment I’ve carried with me ever since. Five years ago. Will so for many years to come.
Finally, the experiences with my Aunt Sis … and with Donny bring me to pose a question I’ve since thought about many times …
Are we human beings living a spiritual life? Or are we spiritual beings living a human life.