A friendship. One seeded in college. But it really sprouted five years ago. With a Diet Coke in Wilmington. DE, A three hour conversation and we bonded. But as we have since shared … a bit unexpectedly. We all know those friends who kindly offer, “We have to get together sometime.” … “I’ll call you next week.” … “Let’s stay in touch.” Usually all vacuous. Never happen. In this case? From my great friend? Here goes … “We’ve got to get you and Nancy up to see us.” 💤💤💤 … Three years of this maybe? Scampering to the mail box weekly. Surely the invitation has arrived today. Nada … zero. But this week after three years of expert wrangling on my part. Nancy and I made it! We actually traveled north to “The Bird’s Nest” Nestled uniquely it turns out in Annisquam, MA. A bedroom community just north of Boston.
First my friend’s home. Nancy’s comment, “So beautifully done.” She knows “well done” when she sees it. Like no one I know. The architecture … the gardens … the interior, decorated with such thought and care. I can hear my friend now, “Slow down, Bricks. Your fire hose is at full force.”
The place was just special. Quaint, understated. So in character with my friend … and as it turns out his wife Deb too. Annisquam? Equally as charming. Densely treed. A private beach with a light house. Trails. Cottage like homes sequestered here and there.
We walked most of the town. One restaurant. “Keeps the tourist traffic down.” A pillared, small Yacht Club, my friends vintage power boat. All of it. I was getting to better know my friend. His place. What more defined him. Might actually have been worth the three year wait?
So much more. But I want to move on to my friend, his wife Deb and Biscuit … ? My friend, was he lord and master of “The Bird’s Nest”? Nah. In his dreams only. Wife Deb makes it all work. Found out her accomplishments are so many. Author … food critic renowned, radio host. British, gracious … so warm and welcoming. My friend had somehow convinced this great gal to leave her homeland and join him here. But as Deb shared with us, “It was love at first sight” Couldn’t quite figure this one out. But he had gotten her here. “We rarely entertain ‘strangers.” Deb offered. Maybe we were for the first twenty minutes. Then this visit would be so comfortable. Just hung out for the most part. Helped that my friend is hilarious. Felt most of the time I was suffering from appendicitis! Nance and Deb? Both share an awareness of fine things. Home furnishings done so well. Deb observed, “ Nancy sees things others rarely notice.” Pillows, pictures, furniture arrangement. Yes, my friend, I know … slow the “fire hose.” Just let me say Nance and I were so at ease, welcomed so warmly. My friend had done well. Deb, their home, Annisquam … and Oh! How could I forget Biscuit! Their golden lab. Vigorously hosting us too during our stay.
My friend arranged golf with my great, one of our greatest buddies, the Mooner. Somehow we were able to pry him away from his multitude of devoted friends. Golf, dinner our second evening with the Moon, his wife Baba, the six of us. Priceless. My wife can be expressive. If only infrequently. Her reflection on our stay at “The Bird’s Nest” … “I can’t remember when I’ve had a better time.” About summed it up for me too.
My friend? With all I’ve shared here? Why the name, “Bird’s Nest?” you wonder. My friend, George Bird. Affectionately known to me … and so many, many others as the “Birdman.”Got to know and appreciate him so much more. So happily. Thanks Deb and Birdy for a super time. And all it took to make this happen was a Diet Coke. Five years ago.