No … I’m not referring to 💤💤s … as in sleep. Rather I’m remembering the gathering of dear relatives of mine, I’ll call them the “Zs” It was last Sunday in Doylestown, PA. The occasion? The Easter Sunday christening of the latest addition to our clan, four month old Ezra. “Z”s traveled from San Francisco, Charlotte NC, Atlanta and Philadelphia. Hundreds of miles to attend this truly joyous event.
Your see. The “Zs” have been in my life for 74 years … all of them. On my Mom’s side. Special occasions. Every Christmas. A deb party or two. So many other casual get togethers. We resided on the Main Line of Philadelphia. Home of the “elite.” At least that’s how many living there felt/feel about themselves. The “Zs” somehow avoided this sense of self importance. Oh, my Mom was a high profile “Z” … among the most celebrated debutants of her time. She was a beauty. Statuesque. Loving. All the “Zs” were to me equally original. From my grandparents Henry Sr. (Pop) and Mary Belle (MeMa) to their kids, all their grandchildren, great grandchildren. And most recently! Our first great, great grandchild. This family has held together for a very long wonderful time. All genuine, very authentic. Sure. We’ve suffered tragedy. The death of my two year old young brother, alcoholism declared, maybe undeclared, even an affair or two? Divorces? Just a couple. Most of Mom’s generation are now gone. One beautiful, so regal member is still with us. My Aunt Sis. She traveled to Doylestown.
She is just a gift. I’ve been blessed to grow up with them all. My god father Uncle Bobby was a metallurgist … there were execs like Gil and Uncle Henry and sister Christine. Entrepreneurs like cousin in law Jeffrey, cousin Todd and Ezra’s proud Papa Todd. Insurance pros like cousin Chandi. My cousin Petey who at age — still recruits key people for businesses in SF. On and on. It would take a full page to mention the others. But let me just say … all were and are varied, accomplished and so interesting. During a post christening brunch. We journeyed back to the memories … happy and not so much. One? As my cousin Cindy gazed at me, “I can see ‘Yad’ in you.” (Her dad, my Uncle Bobby) The resemblance. Other connections galore. Things we all had experienced in common. Things we “Zs” were so blessed too be able to recall … evoking such resonant emotions. Just a great day in Doylestown!
Lastly, the day of little Ezra’s christening was also Easter Sunday. The church was packed. Ezra, his father and his beautiful young mother were sitting in the front pew. The immediate family was lined up in pews across the isle. The Rector stepped forward and offered this short message that captured this entire visit for me.
“As most of you know, this church burned to the ground 20 years ago. I have a copy of the program (holding it high) printed for the service the week after the fire. There’s a quote on the front page from a little 8 yr. old girl. She said, ‘The church didn’t burn down yesterday, only the building did.’ That little 8 yr old girl … now 28 … sits over there in the front pew lovingly holding her infant son as we christen him here on Easter Sunday this morning.
Ovation! Welled eyes throughout. Wow! One of those spontaneous, emotional experiences you’ll never forget. There were similar not as poignant exchanges … memories shared by the “Zs” this Sunday. I’ll remember them too. Thanks for a great weekend dear “Zs”! I am so thankful to have you all in my life.
A standing ovation for my loving Ziesing relatives … Please !!