“The Space Between the Notes” is now three years old. Over 100 posts. Thanks to you who have taken time to visit. Allowing me to share intimate thoughts and experiences that I’ve felt were worth sharing. Again my greatest purpose here? To leave these writings for my precious grandchildren. But then my mentor, guru told called BS on me, “Now Bob, you know you just like write!” He was right … as usual.
Many times when writing this blog I’ve referred to my coach. My friendship with him has been the inspiration for many of my writings. Twenty three years. Just Chris and me. 90 minutes on the phone, every 10 days or so. He’s in CA. I’m in Atlanta. Only met him twice. First time? Five years into our friendship. Yep, five years before we met face to face. I’m an Episcopalian. He’s a metaphysicist! “Really?” you say! “How does that work?” Well … obviously very well. No one does anything for twenty three years that doesn’t have lasting value.
Chris Andersonn is the most unique person I’ve ever known. Maybe because he’s the most loving person I’ve ever know. He began coaching me following my separation from the company I’d worked with for twenty years. I was so pissed off I couldn’t breathe! Enter Chris. Enter a new beginning for me … at age 51. An age when my industry kinda saw me as, well … aged … too worn out to lead people anymore. As I’d done my whole business career. A chance call with a guy in CA? Really … changed everything
What was next for me? What could a guy on the phone in CA do for a devastated, martyring, washed up exec like me. After all. Look what happened to me!? Downsized, embarrassed, rejected. Woe was me. I was such a victim of my circumstance. Right? Then this from Chris, “Bob. get over it … this is all about you.” Me!? “What the hell do you mean!? “Bob … Bob. It’s always all about you.” … “You create your own reality.” This is where Chris and I began. This has been the thread, the essence of all we have done together for … 23 years. Creating my own reality.
The process with Chris engages a complex stream of thoughts, feelings, learnings I could not capture here in a hundred blog posts. But accepting this works has changed my life. Led me to taking responsibility. To become a true adult.
Let me see if I can describe the relationship with Chris I’ve loved so.
He’s a guide … not a professor or authority. He’s authentic. He’s assertive, loaded with wisdom. But never in a judgmental way. He inspires confidence in me. He’s patient. Good god … is he ever. Not a religious person in a formal sense. But deeply spiritual. Took a while for me to “get it.” Still trying. But there’s one thing Chris has taught me that stands above all. Everything in life that is fully experienced, is first based on LOVE. Oh, by coincidence, I’m listening to “Wedding Song (There is Love)” by Peter, Paul and Mary. Just “coincidently” it shuffled up my iPad. Just makes my point. Another CONNECTION. Our lives at the core. Nothing but LOVE. Right Chris? Nothing.
As Chris has reached out to me in love, I’ve learned to do so with others too. Beginning first by learning to love myself. Then focusing on the goodness in all others … however undetectable at times it may be. I’ve learned that feelings trump thoughts … always. Feelings give texture, color to thoughts. Not a great analogy. But think about a musician vs a mathematician. The color, magic of music. The precision, exactness of math. Feelings vs thoughts. Both essential. Just different.
Chris told me a few years ago that I was a “map maker.” Called to guide people to the growth and fulfillment they seek in life. But at the same time find so elusive. About my eleventh year with him … “Chris, how long are we going to do this?” Learned quickly from him that growth and love are infinite. “Oh, ok.” “Listen to the ‘whispers.’” he’s told me. “Quiet yourself. Listen for the ‘messages’ from God, your other spiritual guides. They are there for you, if you’ll quiet yourself and ‘reach’ for them.” I can confirm they exist. I receive their messages most mornings. Chris was right again … as usual.
I’ve only described a small part of what Chris has taught me. But what about you? Should you focus on your own growth? Find a guide like Chris? Give this some thought.
Let me lastly share with you what has fueled my 23 years with him more than anything else. Maybe this will urge you to find your own guide.
I’ve taken my learnings and passed them on to others. Whenever I can? They in turn have passed what I’ve learned on to others, and they on to others … and those to yet others. The reality. If I impacted one? It meant eventually I would impact hundreds … maybe thousands. For my Christian friends kind of a “loaves and fishes” story. Chris and I will continue our journey together. Whether we actually talk or not. We are friends who have truly grown to love one another. Forever. I think I have helped him along the way too. I’ve been so fortunate to help those I’ve been privileged to coach. Helped them navigate their life’s map. Joining them, guiding them along the path they’ve chosen.
None of this would have ever happened without Chris Andersonn. My loving coach who helped me draw my own map and then guided me magically along my path to the fulfillment I enjoy today.
Thanks, Coach … With so much love,
“Create my own reality” through love AND faith. As Paul said, in his second letter to the Corinthians, “for we walk by faith, not by sight we are of good courage” (2 Corinthians 5:7-8)WONDERFUL words to live by. Thank You Coach! Love you!
Hi Bob. Wow what a fascinating story. Thanks for sharing! I remember you telling me the story about Chris and when you met him for the first time. You two had never met and you walked on to a crowded elevator and he said “Bob?”….. I hope I got most of that right. “Creating your own reality” is something that you taught me during one of our lunches together. It made me realize that if I was going to get a better job, in fact get a real job, to provide and protect for my family than it was up to me to go get it done, not blame the circumstances I found myself in….. And guess what happened? I was so focused on getting the job with the company that had rejected me two years earlier, I wound up, out of the grace of God, getting that job, with that company and have never been happier!I always learn from you!ThanksLoveRalf
you are a great teacher
Bricks, thanks for including me on your journey, very informative and thoughtful. I’ve got some ideas of my own about guiding you, in particular, which we can share during your visit to Cape Ann. Looking forward to your visit. Be well. Bman