Our President. Trump, “Hits Back!”
Well, he does. But what if he didn’t? At least not quite as much. Let me share a story that may help address this question. Legendary hockey player Mark Messier starred in the NHL for a quarter of a century from 1974-2009. During his inspiring career he was much admired. What is less known? He was also acutely vilified.
Messier owns a wonderful boutique hotel on the magical island of Harbor Island in the Bahamas. Nancy and I go there every year. Mark’s sister Jennifer manages the place. It’s run like a Swiss watch. One day Jennifer and I … just the two of us were chatting at the bar. You know me … “Tell me a little about you. The usual acquainting stuff two might go through. She told me a little about herself. Fascinating. Her family, her career. Then this … and here’s the essence of what Jennifer shared with me. When her brother Mark played for the New York Rangers in the early ‘90s, there was a sportswriter who made it his purpose to take Mark Messier down. I can’t provide clear specifics, but Jennifer indicated this guy published nothing but slurs and lies in the New York press about Mark for years.
Criticize Donald Trump? Brace yourself. He will hit back! Hard. Really hard. Right!?
The New York sportswriter’s attacks on Messier according to Jennifer were unrelenting. On and on. But despite the attacks, Mark never retaliated. Never took his opponent’s “bait.” He simply continued to serve as captain of his team leading the Rangers to its first Stanley Cup in 54 years. All as his arch critic continued to write negatively about who Messier was. But Messier? He never hit back.
But here’s the wonderful irony in all this. The sportswriter eventually retired. Maybe he’d run out of breath going after Mark. As he left his job … after all the years attacking Mark Messier…
In his final article he wrote this, and I take license with my words. “I’ve crucified Mark Messier in the press for years. His family, his fidelity to his wife, his team, his reputation. Really terrible stuff. Amazingly, Mark never hit back. He never hit back. Mark Messier is one on the finest, upstanding people I’ve ever known. In the face of all I said about him over many years. The negative impact I tried to have on him and his career … he never lashed out to hit me back. Personal character and courage that are rare today. Simply amazing…”
You have to defend yourself at times. But hitting back always invites more hitting. Fight hate with hate? Maybe not. Turning the other cheek? Hmm. Mark Messier took the higher road. The guy who tried to vanquish him failed to win. In the final resolve Messier stood tall … simply amazing.