Nick Foles, the MVP of this year’s unique Super Bowl following the Eagles victory over the Patriots said this. “I never would be here if it hadn’t been for a million failures.” Lady Gaga composed the song “A Million Reasons”. The chorus goes something like this. “… there are a million reasons to leave. But I only need one to stay” Referring to a love interest worth pursuing… despite the odds. Foles and Gaga may be millions of miles apart in their respective careers. But both speak truth. Fueled by the determination residing in all of us. But too infrequently tapped into.
There is a young woman I have come to know. A graduate of a prestigious university… attractive, articulate, smart. Her dearest friend in all the world committed suicide three years ago. Her younger brother. This triggered a long term melancholy … a hopelessness of sorts. Her relationship with her five(?) year boyfriend came to an end. Crushing. She couldn’t land a job despite talent and credentials as an accomplished artist. Her home became the basement of the small home of an African American family of four who took her in, treated her respectably. Her father… a very good soul had his own issues resulting from his son’s tragic death, a messy divorce. She found him awkward when asking for guidance, help.
So she turned to me. I put my heart into helping her find a pathway to who she really was… what she had to take responsibility for in finding her way. She had a million reasons why this couldn’t work. Layers of sadness, lack of self esteem had doused her spirit. We checked her “rearview mirror”… her education, her artwork (one piece sold for a tidy sum). Her articulate intelligence. She deflected my compliments, thought hopelessly about the million reasons she was unworthy of my praise.
But she had to support herself or slip further… even find herself among the homeless. Unable to pay her landlord the meager rent they charged her for shelter. A million reasons to fall. Few if any to persevere.But the well of determination deep within us can be drawn from in the most challenging circumstance. Despite the million reasons we can’t. So my dear friend tried. Interview after interview. Nothing. There was an understandable sadness about her. “No one is going to hire someone who’s ‘light is dim.’, I chided her. A risk on my part. This could drive her into deeper despair or lift her gently to continue trying despite the rejections… despite the millions of reasons this made no sense.One day I sensed a glimmer of hope flickering in her voice. We only communicated by phone being hundreds of miles apart. It was time to fan this spark of optimism. Time for her to be embraced, encouraged, loved. Fan the flame, Bob. I did.Almost miraculously I felt her “light” brightening. Her flame started to glow. The odds of success sprung from a million to one to twenty to one? A bite! A two hour tribunal in front of four with a potential employer. Exhausting. Scooooore!!! She got the job. She tearfully got that anxious phone call. Someone really wanted her!Despite the million reasons they would not? Dissolved the second she got the yes.
She had persevered. She as her own MVP. She has a new guy in her life. I’m just so proud of her! A million failures… reasons to leave. Then the well of determination was tapped into.
Thank you Nick and Gaga for your life giving inspiration.
You might thank Nick and Lady Gaga …. but I thank Bob Brickley for his “life giving”Inspiration!👍
Hope to see you guys soon. Nancy slow to move. Give her a nudge… please.