I have long been deeply concerned. No actually shocked at the erosion of our value system as a free and prosperous people today. Values and principles that have underpinned so much of who we are as a country, a civilized nation for centuries. Respect, morality, service, integrity all seem to be disappearing as our culture coarsens.
The horrific slayings in New York, London, and just last week in Sutherland surface opportunity’s us all to revisit our values. Why we are here. Whether they be grounded in Faith or simply belief in the value, intrinsic worth of our fellow man. Few of us I think… I hope… would deny the value of the principles that have been the foundation of our society. Their undeniable, essential importance in defining who we are as civilized people.But here’s at the same time where a great contribution resides. Take 9/11. All the coming together. Truly common purpose. Passion to believe we had to join as one people. Admittedly driven largely by retribution for the scar that would mar our nation forever. But together we were. At least for a time.But it’s so contradictory to me that tragedy today is almost a requirement for us tomorrow to uncover the true values we hold. In each of us. God given… immutable.One minor example. I was a member of the Membership Committee at the Club I belong to. We were faced with a controversial applicant for membership. We debated, argued. Heatedly at times. Should we or shouldn’t we admit this guy. 1500 members. We focused on one we though might impact our membership negatively.
The president of the club was in attendance. He turned to me during a particularly intense exchange. “This isn’t good.” I replied, “No. This is a gift. Look at the passion, zeal in the room.” The truest principles, values the group holds had surfaced. In the face of challenge, conflict.” All because we had a crucial issue we had to resolve.
A contradiction. Disruption, chaos was necessary to find out what we were really about.Then then there are the beautiful vigils following tragedies like the murders, some terroristic, in again New York, London, Sutherland. Too many others. Remember the Charleston execution years ago when a church congregation decided to forgive Dylan Roof, the sadistic young man who mowed down nine African American parishioners? While they worshipped on a Sunday. True character, goodness surfaced here. Amazed us all. We admired this people so. Again a contradiction.
The worst of tragedies brought out the best in us. Contradiction.Somehow this may be God telling us. Awaken! This is not what I intended. What his infinite Love for us calls us to… every day.Contradictory. But undeniable. More contradictions to follow I’m afraid.
1 Comment
Well put in a time of wide divide in our political system.