… the higher you go. This is actually something most of you may already know. What do I mean by “Deeper?” Abraham Lincoln, Oprah Winfrey, Bobby Darin. (Who’s Bobby Darin? Google him). How’s that for diversity. All came from lowly backgrounds … In Oprah’s case? Poverty stricken. You’ve heard the stories. One room home for six. Abuse. Misfortune. Sexual disfunction. Lincoln … acute episodes of depression while in office as President.
Whatever the circumstance, some, so many of the greatest among us have come from their own “deep”. Met the most challenging of life experiences. Only to emerge and rise “high.” Above it all. Higher because they started in life … deeper than most. But then chose to grow… rise higher. Move from the deep … to the higher in response
I have shared this previously I think? If not, it bears repeating. Physical exercise is good for you. Makes you feel better. About yourself. About your health. Got it? What we can’t miss, however? How mental and spiritual exercise does the same for us … if only in more subtle ways. Our psyche, our attitude … our countenance all change when we exercise our minds and spirit … work our way through life’s challenges. Even the most difficult of these. As we each hopefully do … as we always must.
The picture above? A young boy on a diving board. He jumped deep into the board strongly! He was lifted high, six, seven feet in the air! Other boys chose to spring less. They were lifted, sprung from the board a foot or so. Think you get the analogy.
I went to a parent teachers conference years ago at the school in CT my two precious daughters attended. A question raised by a concerned parent? “Why does my child have to study Algebra? It will have no practical use in the real world.”
Our impeccable headmaster at the time replied, “Respectfully, if your child will discipline himself to work through the challenge of Algebra? Here’s the benefit. When he arrives at those courses of more interest to him … his learning and enjoyment of the subject matter will accelerate. Be more meaningful. In part because he worked hard … gutted his way through Algebra.” Go deep? Go higher .
All out challenges in life are at their core are … exercises for the mind and spirit. So just like our bodies… we need to embrace, appreciate … be grateful for them all. Those times we think our butts are getting kicked. Good! Challenges abound! They are there to strengthen you …. Be thankful!
The Lincolns, the Winfreys and the Darins of today have taken their “Deep” … their early life experiences and chosen to go “High.” Higher because they never martyred, never saw themselves as victims. Just because the first hand dealt them was empty? No. They moved forward with passion, confidence and determination. And became role models for us.
So the next time you feel like you’re in a tough spot … stop and think. Hmmm… just strengthening here? Just the mental, spiritual “muscle building” you need to get into shape for the all that better stuff to follow. Go “Deep?” Go “Higher.” No struggles … only challenges.
Welcome them. Embrace them.They’re a gift. Because the deeper you go … the higher you can reach.
What a blessing.
One of your best, ever….keep ‘em coming. Gratefully, the Birdman
One of your best ever, Bricks. Keep ‘em coming. Gratefully, the Birdman