I chose this illustration for my Blog to depict the path or journey I find so many on today. The stairs. Firm and clear at the bottom. This is now. Driven to grow, climb based on decisions you’ve made along the way. About your life. About your path. About where you are going.But take heed. The steps beyond those clear at the bottom? They’re hazy… less clear. At times fearful. But we can never be still. Only one way to coast… that’s downhill. Always need to take those steps… one at a time. Knowing you’re being called to climb them. Have faith. Take the emotional risk to grow, learn more about who you are.What you’ll find? As you reach those hazy steps above?They then become clear. Only to give way to more hazy steps further up the staircase. Just the growth challenges ahead.This I think is a great illustration of the human condition. Never perfect. But hopefully always striving to get better. Knowing the path ahead will not be fully clear. Takes courage, confidence. Hopefully fueled by passion.No reason, really… to fear. Some even say your path is predetermined? The never ending staircase. A great picture for you… me.