Sight … hearing … smell … taste and touch. Our five senses. Today is fast. A blur at times. When do we pause! Stop to savor these five senses? The spaces between all those notes? Not often. We are consumed by the events, the pressures, the demands of life now. Ok. Is this our the future too? Probably? … No, for sure.
But picture this. Imagine your senses. Linked with what we hear and say, everyday amidst all the “noise.” out there. Try to view all this activity sitting on the surface of a very large dome. You know … like the dome atop an Italian cathedral. Just huge. Earth size. All that activity, The blur life offers up each day. All of us … scurrying on top of the dome. Chaotic at times. This is our everyday existence.
Now picture a vast space … a reservoir like pool under the dome. The senses alive, vibrant … like I mentioned above … even more so. Instinct, caring, love of others, love of life. Residing there… ever so quietly. But ever so ever present.
Here lies a silent, almost dormant part of us residing in this deep pool beneath. A vast reservoir under the dome. The subconscious? That’s part of it. But something we rarely touch, rarely dip into. You might refer to this as your true inner thoughts. Your true desires. Feelings. All the love available to be tapped into or not. The real part of you that you access when slowing down. Ask yourself, “Why am I here?’ You’re settled. Affirming your values, your aspirations, love for self, others. Again when you’re quiet, alone. “What’s all this really about?” “Who am I?” “What is God calling me to be? Do?” The deep pool within. That’s where this is. Only here do you actually find truth … fuel for growth.
Your pool can cloudy … even dark. Filled with bad stuff … thoughts and feelings that never serve you well. Envy, hatred, anger, deceit, regret, sorrow even evil at times. Not a healthy pool to draw from. Or it can be clear and bright. Filled with cleansing thoughts and feelings like love, empathy, charity, humility, integrity, strength of character. Although silent … under the surface, this fathomless, deep well beneath the dome? Well … it actually has a lot to do with your destiny. Who you become. To illustrate… consider two people with diametrically opposing “pools.“ I feel I should apologize for comparing these two. But each lived such extremely different lives.
Charles Manson … dark pool. Mother Teresa … bright pool. Destinies they created. Forever etched in our memories. One the essence of evil, hatred. The other? Nothing but loving grace. Goodness. Some access their pool through prayer. Others meditate. Some will just spend quiet time with themselves. Still others will do none of these.
At the core of all of this? Something God given. The power of choice. Your choice. What will your deep pool look like. You are the creator. How you live life is … always your choice. It’s all about you.
You enjoy life for sure. But you also need be conscious of where you’re going, where you’re headed. The quality of your pool beneath? There’s a balance here. Attend to the “now” things in life for sure. All those things on top of the dome. But also set aside time to ponder “what’s next.” … “Who am I?” … “What am I being called to do?”Slowly dip into your pool. Draw the things from it that work for you. Clarify your values. Live them.
Whatever the messages that come to you … repeat them to yourself. Over and over. Blend all that day to day activity with a little self examination. And then self expression. Find a few “spaces between the notes.” Quiet yourself. Allow the deep pool within you to guide you … direct you on a best path forward.