Have you ever experienced times when you’re really in the “Zone”? When you were truly energized, at your very best… just on? Great eye contact with others; fluid speech; can’t miss during tennis, golf, playing bridge. For those of you who speak before groups, committees… the “pin drop” silence when you talk.
One of the greatest feelings in the world. Isn’t it. Of course there are those other times when we feel like absolute boobs… little confidence, accompanied by a stammer here and there Just awkward. Ugh!I’ve learned we all project varied intensities of “light”. We project our own “light.” When we’re in the “Zone” Our “light” is very bright. This can be felt by the people you meet. We are attracted to bright “light” others when our own “light” is bright. “Gee, the people I met today were so interesting. I really connected with them.” Or? “Wow, that was one of the best speeches, presentations I’ve ever made!” Bright “light.”Think about this. I coach a fortunate few who have “it”
Those whose “light” is simply part of their DNA. Always on. They don’t even know it because their bright “light” is ever present. How fortunate they are. They attract interesting, other bright “lights” to them. All the time. Seem to have all the luck, get the good breaks. You know who they are.Proof?My granddaughter is 13. Payson has an incredible bright “light”.Her parents take her to Bingo games at our Club here in Atlanta. Usually 30-40 playing. This kid wins 2 of 3 games… every time. I watch her. The determination on her face, the joy when she sprints to the front with her winning score. The brightest of “lights”. Sure. Coming from a proud grandfather. But true!
Another one. A guy I coach. Been through personal wars. Love seeing him. He walks in our home, meets Nancy for 30 seconds before he and I go downstairs for his session. Nancy says as he leaves our driveway. “Bob, I really like him.” She is very discerning, particular when it comes to those she likes. His “light” is on … always.
So, how can those of us whose “light” goes on and off turn our “light”on? Well, try self talk. That’s what you say when you talk to yourself. Is your discussion with you positive or negative? “Either you think you can or you think you can’t. Either way you’re right.”Who do you hang out with? Bright or dim “light ” people. The dimmers will pull you down, cause your “light” to dim as well. You should try to avoid them.On the other hand, if you hang out with those on the same “light” frequency as you? They actually help you amplify your energy.Be around people you enjoy, share your “light”
I called a friend I hadn’t talked to in months. He picked up his phone. “Amazing, Bricks! I was just thinking about you!” Yes he was. Of course he was.
I’ve concluded that there are few if any coincidences in life. Just times when the “light” is bright. Some call this the Law of Attraction. Call it whatever you want. I call it “light.”It’s all around us, you … all the time. Have fun.
You have such a terrific light. Mine just brightened reading about your granddaughter. As a phenomenal coach, you always help us find ours when we are scared to open our eyes.
??? This little light of mine … I’m gonna let it shine?…Great reminder Bob for us to let Gods love and light shine through us!Thanks for the extra tip tonite about receiving compliments with a simple and sincere , thank you !!?Thanks for caring , my friend!❤️