I once worked with a super sales guy. Led his Company in sales most years. Three homes… the big Mercedes… ego galore. You didn’t have to ask him about these… he was more than willing totell you. Alan (not his real name) was very good at what he did. Which led me to send him to meet with a very successful lady I was coaching.Alan went to see my good friend. He returned to tell me, “I just killed it. She loved me!” “Great”, I said.When I called to talk with my friend to see what she thought of her meeting with Alan, she gasped, “Don’t you and ever send that bas–rd to see me again.”
Her reaction sent me back to Alan. He had some serious work to do. You see like all of us, Alan suffers from “blind spots”. Things, behaviors we don’t see about ourselves… that others do. Our blind spots can blur self awareness, retard growth. It’s important to deal with them.
An exercise I conduct with many I coach goes like this.I ask them to identify 6-8 important people in there lives and ask them this question… in a written communication. A face to face puts people on the spot. Can deflect honesty. Permission to put the response in writing always works best.”I’m currently engaged in a process of personal growth and I need your help. Would you tell me three or four things about our relationship that work for you and three or four that don’t.”
The feedback? Always stuff you fluff your chest about… gosh that’s great! “So glad you see me that way.” Followed by stuff that punches you right in the gut, may actually blow you away. “Oh my, where did that come from?”Blind spots… positive and negative. Takes courage to make yourself this vulnerable. Some refuse. Ok.
But those who do benefit in a number of ways:Those you contact will be impressed you’re doing this, and they will feel respected you chose them.
This exercise will give us material that will be a primary focus of our coaching process.Solidifies the reality that you do need coaching.You might try this on your own… or not. I’ve actually had people repulse at the thought. But self awareness is key to personal growth at any level. Have you ever received anything of real value that wasn’t hard to get…
Try this. Really no downside in doing so.