Welcome to “The Space Between the Notes”… Post # 1
In an airport… a restaurant… walking on a sidewalk. What do we see? People on their devices of course… Iphones, Ipads … oh yes and usually with no eye contact. Familiar?
Of course. We all all talk about it. Albert Einstein said it best… “I will not live to see it in my lifetime, but eventually technology will replace human interaction.” Hmm… how clairvoyant. Notice this too… The speed that many of us speak, talk today. Fast! Mirrors our devices maybe? Then there are the words…. “Real quick.”… “Let me do this for you real quick!” Real quick. Got it?
Speed Can Kill! Phew! Out of breath just writing this. The emotion behind speed?… most times it’s fear. That’s right… fear. Why? We fear we might miss something. An Ad… a message from a friend. Even a stranger?… The reality? We fear, if only subconsciously instinctively, the loss of human connection, Intimacy… Intimacy.
And you say. “You’re kidding, Bob!” Don’t we gain, do so much more from technology? Of course we do! But admit it. Much of the content on our devices is what I just call, “Chewing gum for the mind.” Ugh… we might miss something.
Bottom line… Growth as a person can only take place in relationship with another. Not with a machine… regardless of the sophistication, the speed of the technology. Simple examples: One might walk into the office next door to discuss an issue rather than sending a text or email. Personal exchange eye to eye. Or one might actually go to a store to examine, “kick the tires” on that new grille… that new coat vs buying the wrong thing on the Web.
I could go on and on… but let me conclude with this brief message. We are all dealing with a “virus” today. A technological virus that impacts us all, today even more tomorrow, Most importantly this “virus” is impacting your children, my grandchildren. They don’t see it. This is all they know. But you do see it, don’t you. You don’t want to look over your shoulder someday and say, “I wish I had been more assertive with my kids and helped them interact more personally, yes, more Intimately with me, their friends, their teachers… even the clerk at the food store!
Speed? With all the good it has brought us today… just a caution, just a heads up.
Bob,I think your blog is a great idea. Your first post is insightful into a very important issue. Personally I tried with one of my sons to point out your message of relationships over computer gaming. I was not very successful. My other son seemed to be more naturally inclined to the personal relationship way. I raised them both the same way with two very different results in terms of personal interaction vs electronic interaction.The power of our phones and computers to inform and entertain us can be consuming. Perhaps some suggested structural behavior roadsigns would be a good idea or recording the amount of time that is spent on phones or playing games. I dont know what works since I was unsuccessful in preventing my son from his overindulgence.
Great incite. Totally agree with this. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
What causes my heart to ache to most… the loss of contact, distance, from the one I love the most. It hurts. I feel adrift.Open your heart Bob. Let it flow, the words will come by themselves. You are an artist, aiming for emotional impact.Write in a way that allows your readers to feel, to discover, to wonder, and to be touched. They so want to be touched. They want to feel and awaken, but are afraid to leave their safety nets. Help them see. Help them discover. Caress them with your words. Love them enough to share your heart with them. Be brave… .
Absolutely true and beautifully said!! This blog is fantastic and i look look forward to future thoughts and shared advice from Bob…