“Help me, Bobby.” This was the “pact” I had with my mother. She was so beautiful.
What’s a “pact?” Something resulting from a spiritual awakening I experienced recently. I believe when one is open to personal growth, you will continually attract more growth, new learnings. Enhance clarity of your purpose, the meaning your life holds for you.
I met a new friend a few years ago. Maxine Taylor was the first licensed astrologist in America. Her reputation is wide. One afternoon during lunch together… “Bob, I’m writing a book. The Secrets from the Womb. (Her fifth or sixth… she’s hard to keep up with!) “Would you like to be a ‘lab rat’ for me?” “Hey, why not.” (I had no idea what she was talking about.)
Max explained. “We are all are brought to life while in our mother’s womb. We share her DNA, her blood, her nervous system for nine months. All of her. We are her. While in the womb, the “pact” is born. It’s magical. What I’d like to do for you is guide you to uncovering your own “pact” with your mother.”
We got on Zoom one morning. I’ll not detail the entire process. But as we concluded… “Bob, I want you to write down words that describe your relationship with your mother.”
“Ok”… beautiful, loving, closed, sensitive, sad, help.” Max stopped me. Tell me about help.
As we explored further, I gradually, magically uncovered my “pact” with my mother.
She was reaching out to me as I came to life. “Help me, Bobby.” As I tried to absorb what was going on, I became very emotional. It was as if she was revisiting me at that very moment. My mother was then, still is a central part of my life. I wrote earlier about our loving relationship. How she had helped me through many of my life struggles. From her support of my athletics at school and college to my bout with mental illness early in my marriage and business career. She was there to help me. But so too was I born to help her? Deal with childhood trauma. Overcome the loss of a child at his age two. I needed to be there for her. She reached out to me from her womb. I would be her primary support through it all. That’s was my “pact” … Help me, Bobby.”
As I was about to sign off with Max, I slowly turn my head to my left. Their hanging on the wall, was the portrait of a young harlot from many years past. Tattered clothes. Her red hair draped over her face shielding her eyes. Shamed, lost … her sadness radiated as I peered at the picture. I had purchased it in Spain seven years ago. Nancy and I were in an art gallery. She was looking through landscapes and decorative prints. I bought this portrait.
“Why are you buying that, Bob?, Nance asked. “I don’t know. It just hit me.”
Suddenly, as I was tearing. My “pact”… it came to me. Mom had called out me to “help.” This picture solidified my feelings. As I thought further, I felt a need to validate my discovery. I called my brother. Shared my experience with him. “Absolutely. You helped her. You made her laugh to tears. You protected her when dad verbally struck out at her. You took her to the hospital when she was admitted for treatment of her alcoholism. Yeah, you really helped her. You were her protector.” This was all hard to process. The “pact”… the picture… my brother’s confirmation.
I searched further…
My most successful coaching engagements had been with females. My work with execs had usually focused on releasing their “feminine” energy. Helping them get to their “softer” side. More empathy, better listening, heightened sensitivity. All traits that would enhance their connections with their people. This then returned me to my “pact” with mom. I had guided, helped numerous females through strife, conflict… even one through divorce. The picture of the harlot connected me with my history of helping females. Just as I had helped my mother for decades.
I’d found an added link to my better knowing me. My coach and I had done extensive work delving into my relationships with both my parents. And the impact both had had on me. But my “pact” with mom provided a truly unexpected new clarity. “Help me, Bobby.”
While furthering of my confidence that the path I have chosen has been God’s call to me.
“Help me, Bobby.”
Continue helping others… helping people grow.
1 Comment
Story says much about the source you provide for others. Your Mother’s eyes again tell the story.
Look for more when the book is oublushex.